Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The fate of our Dear Jane???

Here is where I am with Dear Jane.  These blocks take me an hour to 3 hours each to make.  My friend Lyn has already completed her Dear Jane quilt!!!  and it is beautiful!

I just took this out of the quilt closet to take a look and devise a plan of what to do next.

 I am working on an applique block per month and I just sit quietly and stitch during online church.  The birdie block is the block for this month.  You can find the free patterns here:

Block of the Month – Snuggles Quilts

I am quite worried about the Ukrainian war with Russia.  I feel driven to make a blue and yellow quilt, which I cut out last night while worrying about the situation.  With worry, though, comes prayer, and I want this little quilt to be filled with prayers and love.  I will give this one to a Ukranian refugee, and I know they are coming to our shores, too.



Wendy Caton Reed said...

It is such a frightening situation. I feel for Ukraine and the world. I usually just keep my head down and make quilts when disasters arise, but war is the worst. And good for you to keep going on your Dear Jane. Sometimes a little difficult piecing helps us through the rough times.

Joyce Carter said...

It looks like you have gotten a good bit done on your Dear Jane quilt and it looks beautiful. I love the applique blocks a lot. I think you did a wonderful job with them as well.
Julie, I read a post on FB this morning about the refugees. He said he worked with refugees and, although a quilt was a beautiful thing to make for them, it isn't what they need right now. He said they need food and shelter. The best thing to do for them right now is donate money for them but make sure it was a charity that was reputable. I can understand that. I really feel for these people also and worry about what is happening. It is really a very scary time.

Janet O. said...

I am impressed with all you have done on your Dear Jane quilt. I have had the patterns forever and I have made 0 blocks. Yep, zero!
I know you will get it done.
Those are very pretty appliqué blocks. Love your color palette.
This situation with Ukraine weighs very heavy on my heart. I hardly slept last night. That quilt you feel driven to make will be a welcome thing for a refugee when they reach our shores. Do what you feel driven to do--I believe it is often the Spirit prompting us to do good. And as one of my personal heroes once said, "Never suppress a generous thought."

Robin said...

I'm in the same boat as Janet O. above. I have the book and I have all the rulers but I have yet to make a Dear Jane block. Your quilt is so lovely. I hope you can find a way to make more blocks in less time.

julieQ said...
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julieQ said...

I have already given money, all I can. Thank you dear Joyce, good advice.

ButterZ said...

Oh it’s a hard time the world has come to. Your a dear Jane project is further along than mine

Unknown said...

You could add sashing between the Dear Jane blocks that you have done so far, add a border. That's better than letting the beautiful finished blocks languish in a closet because making more takes so long.

Lori said...

Your jane stickle quilt is coming along nicely!
I'm hoping to make a few blocks for Ukraine as well. I cannot watch the news, but see headlines on social media. It is so heartbreaking.

Chookyblue...... said...

Goodluck with dear Jane.....

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...