Saturday, March 26, 2022

Cancer quilts

Good morning!  My friend Shelly, at my work, was feeling tired and was pale.  Her husband took her in to the ER...long story short, she has a GI workup for anemia, upper and lower scopes, and... she has invasive colon cancer with metastasis to the liver.  She is 48 years old.  She had her PET scan yesterday.  

The hospital doctors already put in a chemo port, (mediport) and she will start aggressive chemo to shrink the colon tumor and hope they can resect that part out.  

Shelly likes bright colors, and especially blue.  I cut a blue quilt out, but I cannot get it done quickly enough.  Just cannot, so I worked on this one a lot of the night last night and will back it in blue, get it quilted, and to her ASAP.  


This is pile of blues I had...all my light blues.  
Now they are cut up into strips, and I will work on them, to make a pineapple blossom quilt.  

This is an x-ray of my doggy, Rosie.  Rosie has some congestive heart failure...diabetes...glaucoma numbers rising...blindness...collapsing trachea...just on and on. Poor darling girl...every moment is precious with her.


sue s said...

The first quilt is plenty bright and gives you time to do the Blossom quilt. You are very kind. And I know too well how our puppies feel near the end, and we continue to love love them!

Vicki W said...

I'm so sorry for your friend! I know this bright quilt will provide her with a lot of comfort during her upcoming treatments.

Sherrill said...

God, I HATE cancer!! It is so evil. Kinda the same way my hubby found out about his brain tumor (and nothing really works on those glio's unless they're encapsulated). He was gone way sooner than I ever would've expected. Hope your friend is able to get hers managed well and so very sweet of you to get her quilt to her pronto. I know she'll treasure it.

Anonymous said...

I hope that if I ever end up with a critical situation my nurse would be as kind as you. You have so a giving heart. Bless you and your friend. Dotti in CT

Rose Marie said...

Your friend will love that bright, gorgeous quilt. Hope things turn out ok for her.

Robin said...

I am so sorry to hear of your friends diagnosis. Life can be so hard but it sounds like you are going to brighten her day with a quilt. So nice.

Terry said...

So sorry about your friend. Anemia was how I found out I had cancer. I will pray that her treatments work and that she will have a full recovery. Hugs!

cityquilter grace said...

so sorry to hear of your friend's illness...that colorful quilt will surely cheer her..

Janet O. said...

What devastating news for your friend--and all who love her. Hoping the treatments will give her more years with her family. You are always so good about getting quilts to patients. I think the blue in the quilt you have chosen really stands out, and she will love it!

Joyce Carter said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Julie. I know the quilt will be a great comfort to her. Cancer is such a horrible thing. My brother just found out his has come back. Please keep him in your prayers.

Material Girl said...

So sorry about your friend and your doggy too. Prayers and hugs!💕

Quilting Babcia said...

Prayers for your friend and I hope she will overcome this current trial. Your quilt should bring her much comfort, and so thoughtful of you. So sorry too about your beloved dog buddy. Its so hard to know what is best as they age and contract these conditions, and they do their best to not let us know how much pain they have. Always so difficult and heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is bright and cheerful, your friend will find a lot of comfort in it. Thanks for sharing.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a shock for your friend - your quilt will definitely cheer her up!!
Poo doggie... Thats rough!

Loris said...

I'm so sorry, Julie. I know you're heart is hurting with all of this. I will be praying for Shelly and for Rosie as well as all the people surrounding them. The bright color quilt will surely give some cheer and I hope be a reminder that people are praying for her. Please give Rosie some head scritches for me. Tell her she is you are too. Hugs!

Cherie Moore said...

So sorry for your friend, her family and you. Cancer is such a horrible disease, ruthless and indiscriminate. I’ll keep her in my prayers. And it tugs at my heart, the problems with your fur family member.

Chookyblue...... said...

That quilt will be beautiful for your friend......

Chookyblue...... said...

You just never know what's around the corner.....

Stephanie D said...

This post makes me so sad, and my heart aches for you. I'll keep you and Rosie and Shellie in my prayers. Shellie can't help but be cheered by that gorgeous, colorful quilt! I know I would be!

Lori said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. I remember making a quilt as fast as I ever have for the same reason. Cancer sucks!

So sorry about Rosie. I know she has been a bright spot in your life!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...