Monday, March 14, 2022

Now, where was I???

It has been a whirlwind, these past few days...I am sure you can relate.  I finished the hand quilting on this quilt!!  This is so exciting for me.  I quilted the sashing and borders and all around the applique.  The texture is so yummy!

I also finished the hand quilting on this quilt!!  I promptly dumped it into the washer and dryer, and the crinkling is lovely.  It is a small quilt, maybe lap quilt sized.  Someone will enjoy it on a hospital bed.  

I caved and started this red sampler, and here are my first blocks.  Hurrah!!  I also did a lot of miscellaneous piecing...bowties, four patches and leader ender blocks, but I will save those until they are actually in a quilt to show you.

Ukraine has been much on my mind, and I have made some small coaster type quilts to share at my work with the nurses.  Many prayers accompanied this stitching.  

 And this one is now quilted, too.  Quiltville is starting a heart string quilt along for Ukraine...oh yes, that sounds perfect for me!

**********************Nurse's notes************************

We are in a dip at our hospital, on Omicron covid virus.  We only have three patients in the hospital as of Friday!  One of them is my patient.  A lovely woman, she is a very ill person.  She has been on the ventilator for almost a month now...100% oxygen (Fio2) and 18 of peep (positive end expiratory pressure.).  These are VERY high settings for the vent.  She still tests positive for the virus.  Her husband was also ill but has recovered somewhat, and is now visiting her.  Does your local hospital allow visitors?  They were not vaccinated, and since she had cancer, chemo, and was a big lady, and diabetic...she is dang sick. All the things for comorbidity.   I pray for her very life, but she has made it this far...she has had clots, a heart attack, kidney failure, and pneumonia, several blood transfusions...all related to the virus.  Dang Covid!!!!!!


Ukraine!  I have been glued to the TV, when I can be, and this is so distressing.  I wish I were there and have explored joining the Red Cross...I could be in Poland, helping refugees right now!!  But I have my hubby to care for, and a job...What can I do?

My good friend Joyce Carter said, and she is probably right, that the people of Ukraine need money, not quilts.  I cannot help it, I feel very led to make quilts for the refugees...but how can I get more money to send?  I am kind of maxed out on spending, right now...but I have some things I would can sell to raise some money for those poor people!!  Please stay tuned...I am going through things and selling some lovely items and sending the money to those worthy agencies that can help.

This general feeling of impending doom related to Ukraine has made me reevaluate my self reliance and independence...those 1930's feelings, you know?  I mean...a grill to cook on...stores of food...flour  and yeast stocked up...a camp stove....water and the like.  My early family training is kicking in!  Prices are sky here...hamburger is 10 dollars a pound.  Gas $4.15 at last fill up.  Wow!  How about where you are?


On that have a great day, each of you!



Julierose said...

I just fell in love with your first (pictured) applique quilt--so gorgeous--what a beautiful finish!! (What pattern is it, if I may ask--the pieces look reasonably sized and do-able...)

Your Ukraine colored pieces are really great--I know they will be needing so many quilts, blankets food etc. What a devastating time for them. So many refugees...It is staggering to watch--and I cannot even imagine going through it...;000 Who would have believe that something so horrible could happen? I am praying for them--every stitch a prayer...
Hugs, Julierose

Loris said...

I love seeing your applique quilts. I remember when you were sewing the blocks.
My heart goes out to your patient. What a struggle :-( Praying for her and her husband. Your kindness and skill will be valued.
This act of horrific aggression to the people of Ukraine is heartbreaking and so disturbing. Praying and finding ways to give here as well.
Gas here is over $6 :0

cityquilter grace said...

it is exciting to finish a hand quilted quilt....all lovely projects!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Food prices have been increasing steadily thanks to COVID-related supply issues. I doubt they will decline. Gas is reasonably priced at $3.89 in most stations. COVID numbers are now in the double digits in most counties and hospitalizations are way down. Hope is on the horizon.

Material Girl said...

These are scary days for sure. Gas is $4.39 and up- we live 30 miles from town so we are spending a husband also takes his uncle to medical appointments and infusions so we can’t really condense our trips. Gas at the pumps is cheap compared to heating fuel. That hit $5 a gallon last week. The northeast has been really frigid cold and snowy. We prepaid our fuel so are not paying quite that much. I feel so bad for those who cannot afforded to prepay as filling up your fuel tank can easily cost $1000!
I havent seen egg noodles in the stores for a month and oranges are$1 each. Crazy- who ever thought apples could be $2.49 / lb. I really worry about young couples with children who were struggling before this.
We used to be the land of plenty……..i

As bad as things are here, those poor Ukrainians have endured so much. Kudos to the Polish people who have opened their homes to so many. I think money is needed more than quilts right now and quilters are usually very generous. Covid was horrid here in January but barely talked about now. I’m still wearing my mask thought I had Covid already. We were so careful the last years as we had young granchildren who gave US Covid!

WoolenSails said...

Love your quilts, fun designs and fabric choices. I like the idea of selling things to donate money and your potholder pieces are a nice idea to make, with a sunflower or heart, with blue and yellow.


Robin said...

You are such a good woman.

Anonymous said...

You may already know of this but, Lutheran World Relief will take your quilt(s), I believe. They are an honorable organization and can be trusted with donations.

So glad things have improved where you work. My state of Kentucky has finally come out of the depths of this disease. Things appear to be improving all over. I hope this is not false encouragement for us all.

Thank you for your blog. Your work inspires me.

Nan Hohenstein

Chookyblue...... said...

Is your patient improving? I wish her all the best.....
I two worry about Ukraine....... So many people displaced. I wonder how many have died in there homes in the cities with no food and power...... Unable to leave.....

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...