Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Spider webs and the paper plate method!

I was recently at the Dallas Quilt Show!!!  Oh was cancelled for two years I think, due to covid...I did a quick run through and adored seeing the quilts.  I am skittish due to covid, but kept my mask on and tried to avoid too much crowding...still that covid ICU nurse, here.  I am sick of covid, and that is a fact, LOL, just as everyone is!

 There were many fewer venders...covid influenced, I am sure.  But!  I saw many scrappy creations that made my heart sing!  Above are some tiny 3 inch churn dash blocks...I fell in love with the quilt that they came from, "Long Time Gone," by Jen Kingwell.  They are tiny blocks, all in a sampler.  Love, love!  I am just playing around with making some of those tiny churn dash blocks. Long Time Gone Quilt Pattern by Jen Kingwell Designs : Arts, Crafts & Sewing

You can find it at Jen's website, too.

I use paper plates to organize my cut pieces.  I cut out the pieces, label the block, and take them to the sewing machine.  Or if I don't get them sewn that day, at least I have them labeled!!  Ask me what happens when I don't label them, LOL!

 Isn't this fun?  It is a spider web piece, made of cherished leftover pieces.  I am in deep love with it.    

Thank you so, so much for everyone for your response to the last post!!  I sold everything except the quilt tops...

Speaking of that, 

Elizabeth Withnell, will you please contact me?  I emailed you back, but your address bounced back? thank you so much!!!  About the quilt top...



Elle said...

I've made Long Time Gone. There are a lot of errors so check the errata for it. Also, some errors are not noted. Ultimately it is worth the work though!

Quilting Babcia said...

Spiderweb quilts are just about my favorite, do you plan to make an entire quilt with your scrappy pieces? I've looked at Jen Kingwells patterns with great interest but know at this point I'll never make one. Bad eyesight requires simple and forgiving patterns these days.

swooze said...

What day did you go? I didn’t think to ask. Darn!

Robin said...

I recognize some of the pieces in your spider web block - they are in my stash too. It's a lovely block. Glad you got to go to the quilt show. Thinks are slowly getting to a type of normal. It feels good.

Janet O. said...

How nice to get to go to a quilt show again!
You have definitely seen the underbelly of the COVID beast. You have good reason to be so cautious!
Love those tiny churn dash blocks. I have that Jen Kingwell pattern and keep teasing myself that someday I will actually make it.
Labeling your stacked plates is a great idea. I often do that kind of stacking of cut pieces on design boards, but I have never labeled them. Sometimes they have been shoved into the back of the closet, and when I find them later I have no idea what I intended to make with them.
That is a fun Spider Web block, and I recognize many of those fabrics as having been in my stash. Some of them still are. :)

Tired Teacher 2 said...

A mask and caution are still high on my radar. Sadly, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of this beast. I’m glad you were able to attend the quilt show. I use squares of poster board instead of paper plates, but the concept is the same.

Joyce Carter said...

Your Churn Dash blocks are so cute, but look so tiny. How small are you making them? I really like the Spider Web block also. I saw a quilt on Pinterest that looked awesome. At the very middle of the Spider Web block, they made the inner circle all white. It really looked great. It looked totally different too.. I had to look at it for a while before I figured it out.
I am still very scared of the Covid virus and wish it would disappear entirely, but I think it will be around for a while, especially when the Winter comes around again. Stay safe!

smithcindyk said...

I was at the quilt show too and fell in love with the miniatures! I bought a pattern for square in a square with embroidery.

kdduncan said...

Unfortunately, a lot of quilt shops have closed in the last two years. The two shops from Mesquite that always participated in the Dallas quilt show closed in the last year.

MissPat said...

I'm glad you went to the quilt show, but understand your hesitation. Just when we think it's getting safer to move into the world at large another variant rears its head. Now it's a variant of Omicron. I'm trying to get away from making small blocks as I need to start using up the vast amount of fabric I've gathered over the years and little blocks don't help with that very much.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Paper plates are a great organizing tool, I use that method too! Your colorful Spider Web is beautiful, but, those teeny-tiny Churn Dashes are the cutest things ever!

QuiltGranma said...

Thank you for sharing, I too will soon be attending a quilt show, about an hour and a half north of here. It will be good to get out and SEE others quilts in person! Love those tiny churn dash blocks.

Lori said...

I LOVE that spiderweb block!

So nice you can get out and be inspired at a quilt show.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...