Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ukrainian quilts

 Good morning to all!

This pattern is called Scrappy Susanna.  It is by Andy, a very fun quilter indeed!!!  I am making this quilt for Ukraine, from my 2.5 inch strips.  

You can find the pattern tutorial here:

Hope you are having a fantastic day!!!


Anonymous said...

I like that quilt. Thanks for giving the site to find the pattern. Thank you for sharing all that you do.

Maureen said...

Love this quilt, Julie. Giving is wonderful, but it sure feels so good to make a quilt for a refugee I have yet meet! Thanks for sharing.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a pretty quilt!

Lori said...


Tired Teacher 2 said...

Beautiful quilt!

Nann said...

Oh, so pretty, Julie!

Janet O. said...

Very nice quilt, Julie! So good of you, my friend.

Chookyblue...... said...

another lovely quilt.........very kind of you to make it for Ukraine............

Kara Kwilts said...

I am so sorry about your friend, but I am sure she will find much comfort in the beautiful quilt you are making for her. Enjoy every precious minute you have with your doggo - they just don't live long enough for me. Take care, Kara

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