Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hearts for Ukraine


Hello, everyone.  I just had to join Bonnie Hunter and make a heart quilt for Ukraine.  I am praying for peace, and swiftly!!!


Tired Teacher 2 said...

These are terrifying times, and my heart goes out to the Ukrainian people.

MissPat said...

Oh, gosh. I need to take my Valentine heart down from the front door and don't have a St. Patrick's theme hanging because we're normally in FL during March. This would be perfect. Off to pull some blue and yellow scraps. Thanks.

KaHolly said...

You are so generous and giving! I’m loving your heart! It’s perfect.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Perfect! I am right behind you. Beautiful. Quilters are always helpful in supporting peace.

cityquilter grace said...

i put their flag as my blog header photo...glad to see switzerland has foregone neutrality and initiated sanctions...bully for them

Janet O. said...

Excellent. And I think it makes the best monthly mini!!

Chookyblue...... said...

Such destruction and loss there....

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...