Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A big, big project, coming to fruition!

Wow!  As are many other quilters, I am trying to finish what I have started.  Three years ago, I started making these 1930's fabric blocks, from Bee in my Bonnet (Lori Holt). I did not have Lori's fabrics, darn it all, but I used what 1930's fabrics I had, and this is what I came up with. Not all the fabrics are 1930's, because I had to add whatever fabric from my scraps that would work for the color required.  There is still a lot of work yet to do, as I have to sew strips between each of the rows, then sew all the rows together, and then a border.  But I made great progress today!  

I am very excited to have made progress on this giant project.  

So, if you go to her blog and go back to 2019...all the free patterns are right there, still!  I really appreciate this, because it is maddening to be trying to make a quilt and the pattern is gone after a week.  Thank you, Lori!

 As I was sewing along, I used the trimmings to make other blocks...I have a whole bag full of extra pieces and parts!!  That is fun too...hopefully I can come up with another little sampler.

Hope you are doing well, each of you!



Robin said...

This is fabulous. What does it measure, it looks pretty big. You're almost there. I have a Lori Smith (not Holt) 1930's project that I need to complete. Hopefully soon.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Looking good! Your fabrics work great with the pattern.

Julierose said...

That is a huge amount of lovely work...All those pretty blocks...good for you staying with it--now you can put it together...what fun hugs, Julierose

Elaine Adair said...


Kristy said...

Julie- This is so beautiful! I love it! I am on a mission myself to finish things this year. I made my templates today for Lori's Farm Sweet Farm quilt that I just need to finish hand quilting the borders on. I am so excited! I have made the first chicken, Hattie and her chick in Lori's new sew along with her Cook Book Fabrics. I use my own fabrics and always buy 1 charm pack of her line just to see the actual colors. I use the fabrics that fit the sizes needed for the appliques and so I get to use some of her fabrics and mine too! You are an inspiration to me to keep moving forward on things. I also got my Flea Market Flowers quilt labelled and hung this weekend! Yippee! Have a great day! K-

marina said...

beautiful Julie!!
great to use what you have on hand.

Rose Marie said...

Perfect! Soon it will be a top and then you can move onto another project.

Sharon Kwilter said...

It's going to be a beauty!

Janet O. said...

Oh, this is very fun! It looks like such a happy quilt!
It is good of Lori to leave the patterns up.

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Sharon said...

A sampler is a great way to use 30's prints. This is fabulous, and you are so close to a finished top. Leftover blocks will make a great spring table runner.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Very pretty Julie - Nice to get to the point where you see the quilt coming together.

QuiltGranma said...

Love this! I also am hoping to get some of my neglected unfinished tops into flimsy status!

Lori said...

Super cute sampler quilt!

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...