Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Scraps are simply the best thing!

Good morning, or good day, or good evening, depending on where you are!  This project is Bonnie Hunter's leader and ender project of the year.  I have had such a fun time sorting through scraps and just making the wildest...and mildest...combinations!  I adore this.  Scraps rule the roost!

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: July 2021 Leader & Ender Challenge: FISH SCHOOL!

The above link is where to find all the information about the leader and ender project.

 Ok y'all. I am so very proud of this!  It looks awful...does not lie flat...is wider at some points and narrower at others...there are not the same stiches in each row...there are HOLES in it!  LOLOL!!!

But!  I learned so very much.  I loved knitting it!  It is my first knitting project.  I learned how to bind off!  I learned how to purl!  I learned how to not make holes in the project...hahahaha!  I learned that the yarn must come from the front when you purl, and the back when you knit.  I just absolutely loved the whole thing.  

So, these knitting needles are bamboo, from Amazon.  They sold a zillion sizes for not very much money, and I was hooked.  They are NOT GOOD!  They are rough, the yarn catches on the shaft of the needle, and the knobby bit fell off of one needle, causing all my stitches to fall off the needle.  

So I am on the hunt for good knitting needles.  Which ones are good?

Have a lovely day...remember, striving for complete perfection is not always the best way of learning...must go through trial and error and reading the book again and again...to make positive progress is the best thing!



Kigwit said...

congratulations on your knitting! my favorite needles are Brittany's.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Bravo! Your first knit project looks great. For reasonably priced needles, check Knit Picks (online but they also have a print catalog). I use metal needles because. Like my stitches to slide, but wooden needles don’t slide as easily (probably better for a beginner).

loulee said...

Good on you for learning a new trick. LOL And becoming addicted so soon. I love knitpro needles. They make some very beautiful coloured wooden needles. They can be a little expensive, but worth every penny.

Sherrill said...

HEY! That's the way you learn. I remember my first crochet project..a scarf for my then spouse. MAN WAS IT AWFUL! Not saying my crochet is the best these days but everything looks better. Never did get to that level with knitting however.

Sharon Kwilter said...

I love your Fish School Leader Ender. I'll have to add that one to my queue as I seem to be finishing the Leader Ender projects pretty quickly.

Joyce Carter said...

I love the scrappy quilt Julie. Scrappy quilts are the best.
I think your project looks awesome! Congratulations on a job well done and I am glad you are enjoying the process. Things will get easier as you go along I am sure.

Julierose said...

Knit Picks sell really good needles...very smooth...I don't like metal ones as they are so cold--but then a lot of people love them.
I think you did a great job on your first project...nice work..
Your quilt is just beautiful...hugs, Julierose

Chantal said...

I don't know, Julie, I'm not a knitter but I love your scrappy school of fish. Well done ... and on the knitting project too. It was a learning piece, not a masterpiece but we need learning pieces to get to the masterpiece. But you already knew that. ;^)

MissPat said...

You know the old saw? "How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice,practice." Your knitting will improve and having quality tools will help. Your BH leader and ender, Fish School, is coming along nicely.

Kyle said...

Fish school looks like tropical rainbow fish. Great job.

sue s said...

I love your fish quilt! I'm not a fan of that particular block but in scrappy fabrics it's really pretty. It'll be interesting to see what Bonnie does with it.

I enjoy knitting but have a huge problem with gauge. I can go down two sizes and still the arms will be too big!

Elaine Adair said...

Oh, no - don't get me started with another passional collection of more stuff! LOL - your description is very tempting though! MORE fun!

Stephanie D said...

Congrats on the knitting! I have no idea about needles, but I am very impressed with your enthusiasm for another new skill!

Love the scrappy Fish School! Usually Bonnie's patterns are just too intimidating for me, but I think I could get into this one! Do you use her essential triangle tool?

Lcrrkhs said...

Go to Joann's and just get the metal ones by Boye or other companies. Metal ones really do glide the yarn through the process much better.

Lori said...

Oh my goodness! A new hobby?! KNitting!! So cute!!
Love the leader/ender quilt.

Quilter Kathy said...

I did not even recognize the leader-ender blocks!
What a cool setting!
So awesome that you are enjoying knitting... me too!
But I have no recommendations since I'm just learning.

Tazzie said...

Hey there Julie, I'm having fun catching up on your blog. I love your leader and ender project, isn't it such fun almost making a quilt by accident?
I'm sorry you had trouble with your knitting needles. I don't knit often, but when I do, my favourite needles are the old fashioned faux tortoiseshell ones. They can be found in op-shops and etc. I love the way they feel, and they bring back childhood memories of my Mum knitting away. Some people don't care for them as they are a little more flexible than most. Hope you find your perfect needle.

Chookyblue...... said...

quilts coming together........
goodluck on the knitting front......not something I will do so I think you did amazing.......lol

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...