Thursday, February 3, 2022

And the mystery is solved!

Good morning to everyone!  I have completed my Quiltville mystery quilt!  I am contemplating putting another border on the outside...but perhaps not.  Just let it be, maybe?

Did anyone else sew on the mystery quilt this year?  I know a few of you is great fun!!!

Have a great day today...we are in the middle of an ice storm and I anticipate the power to go out any moment.  Too much ice on the power lines.



Little Penpen said...

It’s beautiful! I love your colors!

cityquilter grace said...

very nicely done....if it were mine i'd bind it with the garnet...but any way you choose will be gorgeous no doubt...i liked the color combo in this mystery...

Sherrill said...

It was another mystery I'm glad I didn't participate in--just wasn't crazy about the finish. But you did good getting yours done in good time. So far we're doing good power-wise. Hope it stays!! And thankfully the rain/ice should be done by noon according to Mr. Weatherman.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

OnE more border will really finish it! Congrats to you Julie! Lots of work on this one as always with Bonnie.

Loris said...

Lovely! Praying y'all can keep your power on and stay warm! Hugs!

Sandy said...

Excellent, Julie! Maybe a narrow, plain-ish border to reign in the geese?

Paula, the quilter said...

I like the straight set so much better than the on point!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

So pretty! I hope your power stays on.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your color choices!!!!

loulee said...

I'm not a mystery quilter, I like to know what I'm getting.
Your version has turned out beautifully.

Binsa said...

Love your colourway Julie and I think it needs another border

Joyce Carter said...

It looks very beautiful Julie, but I too think it needs another border--maybe a very narrow one.
I hope the storm has passed and your power stays on. They said the storm will be coming our way this weekend. Hopefully, it will pass by us. Our power went off the last time and was off all day. Not a god thing. Stay warm!

Kyle said...

Your color choice is spot on. Hope this current winter storm isn't too damaging.

Lori said...

Whoop! Whoop! On your mystery quilt!
I know you'll be prepared for any weather!!

Kristy said...

I love your finish! You could put another border on but don't know how big you want your quilt. This gives me motivation to sew my blocks together. I have all the pink ones ready to sew and I am still working on making all the QST's for the alternate blocks. I have gotten distracted with other things like Pat Sloan's Secret lives of Color Sew Along. Making Churn dashes in particular colors and sizes has been lots of fun. Today was Lead-Tin Yellow Day. It is lots of fun and not too late to join in! :-) Thanks again for your cute HST's. They make me happy. K-

Vivian said...

So Spring pretty, way to go!! Border or perhaps a bold and slightly wide binding, maybe in one of Kaffe'a bold flower prints? It will brighten the remaining winter days however you finish it! I missed out sewing this round --- was supposed to work on an old mystery WIP but never got to it either. Did download the patterns for this one so one day....

Podunk Pretties said...

I like your version without the sashing. I didn't quilt along this year, maybe next year.

Quilter Kathy said...

So beautiful! I love your colour choices... it's like sunshine!

Janet O. said...

Your quilt makes me think of you, it is so light and happy and sunshiney! Beautiful job!
I have done a couple of Bonnie's mystery quilts, but not while they were still mysteries. :)

Shelina said...

your quilt looks great! I made one of Bonnie's mysteries and it was a lot of fun. I haven't quilted it yet though and have a bunch of quilts in the pipeline to finish.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...