Thursday, March 1, 2018

So Spooky, and one of my favorite quilts!

 This is one of my favorite quilts, ever!  The blocks are 6 inches finished, and the sashing is tiny...2 inch nine patches.   I was re-folding quilts last night, and deciding which quilts to take to patients in the hospital this week...this one just has to stay with me!  It was made from a Barrister's block quilt along from a few years ago.
I have been prepping SO Spooky blocks...this is a quilt along on face book by Cheri Payne.  I made it all my own...the pumpkin witchy lady is dancing, in my block...whoop!!!  Lot of stitching still to go, of course.  Not very spooky at my house, LOL!

Have a great day, everyone!!!



Quilting Tangent said...

Great job with all those tiny blocks. Looking forward to seeing the Halloween quilt.

Sherrill said...

So are you just starting the sew along? I didn't see it on Cheri's FB. They're looking very cute!!

julieQ said...

Sherrill, it was last fall, but if you go to Cheri's facebook, look under files...the patterns are all still there. Happy stitching!

Janet O. said...

I love the outcome of your SAL with Randy! That is a beautiful quilt, and you do so much giving away of quilts, you have every right to keep a favorite here and there. :)
Spooky is not my thing. I like how cute and fun those blocks are.

Karen said...

Love, love your block sampler quilt. I can see why you want to keep it. Lots of work doing all the piecing for those six inch blocks. I remember the sew-along though I did not participate.

Chantal said...

I love that quilt too. Yes, it has to stay with you. I had no idea that the cute 9-patch blocks were only 2 inches! Wow! I have to make a quilt with sashing like that ... eventually. So Spooky is fun. Love the Jack O Lantern Lady. Funny! ;^)

Lori said...

Great sampler quilt! The spooky blocks are fun too!

Mystery quilt and more

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