Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Rainbow birdies!

 I have gotten precious little done this month, on rainbow projects, but the birdies are done!! Light, fresh green is the color of the here are some scrappy green birdies from the scrap basket.
Here is where I am so far, with our avian friends.  The blocks are an odd size...some are 9 inches, and some 6 inches...unfinished.  So it will be fun to fit them all together!!

It has been a challenging week.  I have gotten next to nothing done, and that bothers me.  Just the regular housework.  Every day is appointment, a SOMETHING to do!   I just want a day you?




Tired Teacher said...

❤️ your flock of bird blocks! They are adorable and tempting me to make a couple.

Yes, I tend to group appointments and commitments into the same week and then get cranky at myself for doing it.

Loris said...

These birds are so cheery!
Yes, life gets crowded up a lot. You seem to fit in a good measure of getting it done though. Don't be hard on yourself. You are a wonder woman!

Sherrill said...

I have every day off and don't get doodly done compared to you (I'm a slug). Don't say you don't get stuff done. LOVE the birds and every time I see them I think I need to make some but then I don't. Trying ever so slowly to get one of my row by row kits done and it is SLOW going Oh well, better than absolutely nothing I guess.

Janet O. said...

That is a beautiful flock of birds!
I get cranky in weeks like that, too. Need some fabric therapy, but can't always wedge it in.

cspoonquilt said...

Those are really cute bird blocks! great top!

Kleine Vingers said...

Love your little birds, they make me smile every time I see them.
I wish I had a day of. At the moment days are filled with things I have to do but not what I would like to do and next week I have appointments. Hope to have some sew time after that.

Kyle said...

The bright green birds remind me of parakeets. Tweet, tweet.

KaHolly said...

It’s a very unsettling feeling when you feel as though you’ve accomplished very little. That said, your birds are quite impressive!

Chookyblue...... said...

love the birds.........

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yes, I want a day off. We were in Alaska for 3 weeks, waiting for our first grandbaby to be born (she is beautiful and healthy). Got home and had less than 3 days to prepare for my guilds quilt show, where I had a booth with 16 of my vintage machines, then got sick Monday afternoon (still sick, over a week later). Found out my BFF's mother was on her deathbed, and drove 3 days to get to Texas (arrived 45 minutes before she died) and will be here till Saturday, when I get to drive home. I'm exhausted, and want some time at my own home. I want to stay home for a week (no appts, etc, like that's going to happen). Almost no stitching since the beginning of February. Of course no one that is still at home (hubby & grown son) will be doing any cleaning while I'm gone (none since we left for Alaska) so, I get to tackle that when I get back, too. Cute birds you made.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...