Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A few blocks, and a little progress!

 Just a few six inch blocks going on here!!  These are just so much fun...and it is almost as fast to make two, as it is to make one of them.
I added the trick or treat block to this quilt...and this will be it, except a scrappy string plaid border...say that three times fast, LOL!!  It is meant to be a happy quilt for Halloween, for the trick or treat kiddos that come in droves to my house. I can't want to embroider the faces on the kitties!!

Have a great day, everyone!!



Leeanne said...

Freaky when we do a blog post the same time! The halloween quilt will be fun.....spooky too!:-)

AnnieO said...

Fun scrappy blocks! Your Halloween quilt will be so charming!

Sherrill said...

It's so gonna be so cute and not scary for the trick or treaters. I don't have droves, just small numbers.

Kyle said...

Combining your appliqués blocks and a few pieced ones will make a super cute Trick or Treat quilt.

Janet O. said...

That is a very happy Halloween quilt--just the way I like it. :)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...