Monday, March 12, 2018

Just a few things!

 Recently, my friend Lori of Humble Quilts asked me, "What are you into lately?"  A simple question, but one that really got me thinking...what in the world am I into, and with a little more thought, what is my favorite kind of quilts, ever?!!  I guess the answer is, like a lot of us....I love it all!!  But plaids and strings?  They hold a very, very special place in my quilting heart.  I was refolding quilts yesterday, and found this little plaid quilt I made several years ago.  It is a bear paw quilt (of course!), made of, yes, Plaids and Strings!!
 The blocks are only seven inches finished, and I always planned to make an identical, big, bed sized quilt with 14 inch blocks.  I need to get on that!  This one is hand quilted with black thread.

I am loving my rainbow quilts, because they are using bits and pieces of scraps and strings, that I really want to use up and pass on for someone to enjoy.

I love brights, and dull colors, and plaids and reproductions, and batiks, and 1930's...I guess I am so blessed to just really enjoy the whole gamut of everything the quilting world has to offer.

So my question for you is...what are you into?  I would really love to know!!!

 I recently received some goodies from Vic, who blogs here:  We had a little exchange...and I just love these selvages (strings!) and will put them to good use!  That little rectangle you see is a sachet.  Vic makes them, and it smells like I imagine heaven smells like...yummy!
 A few patterns from a fast, fast trip to the quilt show...I got to meet Lori Smith!!  She is an amazing pattern designer...please see her website here.
 I found this rainbow quilt on it yours?  When I clicked on it, it came to a dead end on the computer...I love this!!  Maybe for next year?
This is a quilt from Becky, from Quilting in the Old is amazing to me...scrappy and just perfect for using blue scraps!  Becky is an amazing, very prolific  her scrappy goodness!!

Have a super day!



Janet O. said...

I love plaids, too, Julie! Strings, not so much. Love the look, but I am not patient enough to work with them a lot. That would be evidenced by the string quilt blocks in the cupboard that I started oh, so many years ago!!
Your Bears Paw quilt is delightful! Love everything about it.
Vic is a sweetheart. I have a few of her sachets tucked in my drawers. I freshen them with Lavender essential oil when needed.
What am I into? Anything small, anything made in CW repros, or batiks, or old shirts--woolly things, and finishing UFOs. That pretty well covers it. :)

Mary said...

I am very much into Becky's patterns these days. I have three on the go at the moment, well, two on going and one in UFO timeout. Two in shirts, shirts are my primary focus as the bundles of them are taking over my sewing room. I need to use them up, gettum out ( can you hear the Rawhide theme?*insert whip crack here *). ( sorry, my son watches a channel of vintage westerns all Sunday, it has seeped in by osmosis)

Tired Teacher said...

Your plaid Bear Paw is wonderful. I love plaid but don't have any in my stash.

Right now, I'm into making Quilts of Valor - some patriotic but most are scrappy.

Libby in TN said...

When I look pictures of my recent quilts I see a very eclectic quilter. I like it all. Right now I'm "into" finishing up some lanquishing projects.

Cherie in St Louis said...

I, too, am loving Becky's blue scrap quilt. I downloaded the pattern and decided it would work for RSC just as well as in one color family. I've made a lime green block and another quilt in progress is born, lol!

Loris said...

Lovely quilts in the pictures.I really (REALLY) love that last one in blues! I am into plaids and small 2" squares ;-) I love seeing string quilts and by golly, I'm going to actually sew one this year too. Ha! I've been saving strings so I will have a good start. Yay!

Sharon said...

I'm into finishing a few things. One is a hand applique, I have a basket of Kim Diehl What Nots small quilts that need sorted and finished. But what I'm into right now are string quilts. I just posted my new workshop on my blog. I do love your plaids, but I am like the above commenter, I don't have many at all in my stash. Sorry, don't know the origin of this bright quilt, it's pretty!

Joyce Carter said...

Love your Bear Paw quilt Julie. I have never worked with plaids. I find your quilt very interesting so maybe this will be something for me to try in the future.
What am I into? I am cutting 2 1/2 inch squares to use in a scrappy quilt---no pattern, just a block that I found on Pinterest and loved. I think it will make an awesome scrappy queen size quilt.

Sue SA said...

Great rainbow pattern! Oh how nice to get sent a package of lime greens! Enjoy your goodies. I am into mini quilts and reproductions. I love a good spot fabric, but only ever made one plaid quilt, a long long time ago....come to think of it, suspect my brother never uses it, might have to rescue it!

Sherrill said...

Did you go to the Dallas show? I intended to but never got there (besides, I hate driving in Dallas). I bet it was great! I can't say what I'm into cause there's so much I'm into. All I know is you get way more accomplished than I ever do.

Vic in NH said...

So glad that you like the package contents that I sent! Your strings to me are wonderful and I've already gotten 10 string blocks done, thank you!

Debbie J said...

I am into scrap quilts. It gives me such joy to use scraps. So much more fun than making a quilt from bought fabric yardage! I love your quilts and blog. Thanks!

Lilac Joan said...

What am I into? I too love just about everything, maybe not very very matchy-matchy. A real scrap quilt is my favorite, maybe because it fits my personality. I am made of so many things, desires, interests. All colors and always finding a new quilt to make.

Chantal said...

Love your Bear Paw Plaid quilt. Just AWESOME!! That's a block I want to do in plaid too. It looks better in plaid, I think anywho. The rainbow quilt is gorgeous as is Becky's quilt. Her sashing looks complicated but so nice. Love the effect of it. Gorgeous!!
What am I into, you ask. You mean, beside trouble? Lol. I love traditional, scraps and plaid. But lately, I am all over the place. Working on baskets and UFOs and strings. Not to mention deconstructing plaid shirts. There's Bonnie's Ringo in one corner and Judy Martin's River Snake in the other corner waiting for me to pay them some attention. There's a quilt on the frame that hasn't been hand quilted on since January. I wish I could finish something. I haven't had a finish in a long time it seems. It's good to finish things, you know. lol. Yep, I'm all over the place. ;^)

a Matula ikrek said...

I think that rainbow quilt is from here somewhere: or .

Kleine Vingers said...

There are so many quilts I like. I love lots of different fabric, reproduction, 30s and modern and bright fabric and I love plaids, I have used them in almost all my quilts somewhere. And I love different style quilts, scrap, one block, medallion, samplers. I can really not choose just one style. Greetings

cityquilter grace said...

oh i've a stack of plaids to use...thanks for the inspiration....

LintLady said...

Hello Julie,
I like this Paw-Quilt a lot, too. "Easy" Pattern have such a nice effect.
I am into finishing UFOs this year, like a lot of the bloggers around here. Doing Link-Parties with his every month.
Right now I am finishing an eight year old UFO of Blue Work with a lot of embroidery of my own disigns. When I 'm done with the top (soon) I will hand quilt it. I am looking forward for that!
Have a good time, too and hugs from Germany, Doris :o)

Little Penpen said...

It is fun to read the comments to see what everyone is into these days. I think seeing so much goodness on the internet keeps my mind jumping from thing to thing. I have recently started cutting down 2.5 inch squares from my scrap bin, as I tend to use that size in baby quilts. My goal is to thin out the scrap bin!

Rose Marie said...

I have always adored your plaid and string quilts! they are one-of-a-kind and say 'you'.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love brights, but, I've enjoyed sewing most fabrics over the years. I like lots of different styles, but, most of mine are traditional (then there is my Elephant Parade quilt...). I do try to skip florals and pastels, since they tend to bore me. Those projects don't get finished.

Kyle said...

Oh, I see a lot of wonderful applique in your future. I've loved Lori Smith's pattern for a long time. It's hard to say what I'm into...Applique, EPP, finishing lots. I've always loved plaids and strips, repros, and lots and lots of fabrics all thrown together. Your bear paw is lovely.

Dar said...

Hi. The rainbow quilt is All Roads by Angela Walters, on Looks like the pattern is a free download but there's also a kit named All Roads Botanicals by Angela, same site. Hope that helps!

julieQ said...

Yahoo for Dar! Thank you for knowing about the rainbow quilt!!

Anonymous said...

The rainbow quilt looks like Angela Walter’s All Roads pattern she did for craftsy. The link is dead now, because the last time they were bought again, they didn’t keep the retail links alive for patterns. She has a rearranged version of it on her website now.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...