Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Progress of the day

 So today, instead of doing anything at all useful, such as house cleaning, etc...I put together the center of the "Sew Spooky" quilt.  A border is in the making!!  This is my do to list for this year, so I am feeling a bit of accomplishment.
It is soaked with rain outside my window, but the pretty flowers are blooming.  These bloom at the same time as blue bonnets, yet they are not them...I do love them, whatever they are!!!



---"Love" said...

"Sew Spooky" is so cute, and your 6' blocks from last post are really pretty. I think maybe those blue flowers are grape hyacinths---maybe? Whatever, they are lovely. ---"Love"

Sherrill said...

I've got little ponds forming in the backyard. But it's so GREEN, I LOVE it! I think we're going wildflower looking next weekend. Hopefully all this rain will cause them to burst forth! LOL

AnnieO said...

In what way is quilting not useful? Dust will still be there waiting for the broom or mop.
Some other type of lupine I imagine? Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie, your quilting is almost lovely to see and I am verry inspired.
The Blue Flowers are Ajuga reptans, al lovely old herbplant.
thanks and greetings from Germany.

Karen said...

The sashing really sets off the Halloween blocks. Let's each one shine but yet co-hesive in the whole.

Cathy said...

Your quilt looks great. I only have one block made. Hope to get mine done. Hugs

Sue SA said...

Cleaning should always come second to sewing! The tops looks great.

Danice G said...

Sew Spooky is looking very cute. We also have some of those blue-purple flowers in our yard. 'Don't know what kind they are either.

Janet O. said...

The black sashing really is a nice finishing touch for your Halloween blocks.
Oh, I love seeing the flowers in bloom--especially when I don't have to weed them. :)

Lori said...

I wish I had lovely blue flowers to look at outside my window.
Love your Cheri spooky quilt! It's fun and prim!

Kaja said...

You're making good progress with your Halloween blocks. Cleaning doesn't even come second for me!

cocoya said...

In what way is quilting not useful? Dust will still be there waiting for the broom or mop.
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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...