Wednesday, February 28, 2018


 Just keeping it real, folks! Wrinkles, pins and all.  I am working on the above applique block. Super fun!
 I found this little applique piece in the quilt closet..."Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle; the cow jumped over the moon."  I have no idea where I was going with this...
The poinsettia from Christmas is still going strong!    Wonder if it will last all year??

Have a great day, everyone!!



Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm thinking you need to make a baby quilt with that applique.

Sherrill said...

WOW! You must have a green thumb (or the poinsettia is in just the right spot!!). Mine never made it much past Christmas. I don't even bother anymore; just have lots of fake ones.

Tired Teacher said...

The poinsettia is gorgeous, especially since it's nearly March. My sister lived in McAllen decades ago, and she had a poinsettia bush in front of her house. I didn't realize they could get that big.

Roxanne said...

You always do such nice applique! My poinsettia has lasted longer than usual this year too--I keep watering it and it keeps looking good. lol

Karen said...

I recognize that first applique block design!

Cathy said...

It's nice to see other people working on the quilt Karen and did. I love the flowers quilt. Hugs

Janet O. said...

You find such great things in your quilt closet!
I had 5 poinsettias, and I only have one left. Doesn't look nearly as beautiful as yours. My Mom says it is because I don't talk to it. She could be right. :)

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful applique pieces. I can imagine what unfinished blocks I have hidden away, lol.


Kyle said...

Appliqué pieces are always good to work on. I wonder if you'll find a nursery rhyme pattern in your closet!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...