Thursday, May 25, 2017

ON the way to Twenty Blocks!!

 Here are my blocks so far, made from the batik fabrics.  Maybe I will set them on point??
 And here are the two from today!  Hurrah!!!
 Zinnias are growing well in the back yard.
The tomatoes are doing well too!  I think I will make a rich marinara sauce from these.  Yummy!!

I got the lawn mowed and curbs swept today.  Dishes loaded in dish washer, laundry (one load) done, made beds, and walked 1.5 miles.  I think I am going to rest a bit and sew some!

Have a super day, everyone!!



Marsha B said...

You have had a productive day, rest a bit, then sew some more!

Chookyblue...... said...

lovely blocks......
nothing better then home grown tomatoes.......

Tired Teacher said...

Way to go on the pinwheel blocks: they'll look fabulous in any setting - on point or sashed.

Sun-ripened tomatoes are yummy. Enjoy!

Chantal said...

Awesome blocks. You did accomplished a lot today, but then again, when don't you? :^) Can't believe you already have tomatoes ready to eat!! Wow! We barely get into the 20'degrees yet. Enjoy! ;^)

Mama Joan said...

Love your pinwheel blocks! What is the name of the block? How large are they?

Maybe answer in a later post???

~Curious in Shelby

---"Love" said...

Those blocks are all beautiful! Just wondering; if you set them on point without sashings will they appear to be set straight? (I'm trying to see them in my mind's eye, which is blind most of the time.) I'm having computer problems again. If this posts twice, just delete this one. ---"Love"

Janet O. said...

So in love with your blocks!!
You never sit idle, Julie. You are amazing!

julieQ said...

HI Mama Joan...I did mention the source in a post or two back...enjoy!!

Barbara said...

Enjoy seeing all your projects. Your blocks are looking great! I may have missed the info, what pattern are you working from?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Those blocks are very, very nice; what is the block name? Your excellent gardening efforts are providing a treat for not only the eye but the tummy as well! :)

Kyle said...

Delightful blocks and I can't believe you have home grown tomatoes already. I just put the snow shovel away.

Barb said...

Love these blocks, will make a fabulous quilt..

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

awesome blocks!!!

Karen said...

Pretty, pretty blocks. I never use batiks but they work very well in this block design.

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