Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A little more progress

 Part of the reason I blog is to chronicle my progress.  So...this may be a snore to you, but here is where I am now!!  12 out of 20 blocks completed.  All the other blocks are cut out and ready to piece.
 A high contrast block from today.  I am loving working with these batiks!! 
I made this last year, but I have it out for the fourth of July, coming up...it would be fun to make a whole quilt from this pattern.

*****************Nurse's notes***********************

We had a patient code... (cardiac arrest)...and was shocked over 30 times.  I got him the next morning, and he did it again!!  So, my first code blue in a little while.  My nerves were jangling all morning after that, watching him, his rhythm...just every little nuance that I could imagine to make sure he STAYED OK!! I sat in his room and watched him, minute by minute!   Miraculously, he was neuro intact after all this and was joking and playing around with the nurses and his family.  I truly think this was a miracle...so this balances out some of those tougher nursing day!!  Hurrah!!


Hope you are having a wonderful quilty day!!



Karen said...

I like the 12 blocks you have made. I look forward to seeing how you set them.

Kathleen said...

I never snore... LOL, love seeing the progress !

Binsa said...

Loved seeing the batik blocks..........Julie you are truly special and gifted.

Tired Teacher said...

Seeing the progress of the blocks is enjoyable - the color combinations and the block itself. Keep posting your progress.

I can't imagine a patient coding that many times. Makes me contemplate a DNR.

Kyle said...

Fabulous progress. Each block a little gem of color.

Lori said...

Whoa! Nursing news is crazy! I'm glad he came out of it okay.
Your blocks are looking so cute! I'm not much of a batik fan, but I like these a lot!

Rachel said...

The following night, his nurse paged me, he wanted maybe just some Tylenol, to help with the pain after getting all those shocks! I was amazed!

Vic in NH said...

Those blocks look like a lot of piecing but they are really spiffy! Glad that your patient lived to tell the tale. He has wonderful nurses!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...