Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Home Blessing Tuesday!

 I am making progress on the Batik blocks.  Aren't they such lively colors??  Just can't help but make you a little happier!!

 I finished the blanket stitching around these applique pieces, and that was relaxing and fun.
And I did a little baking!  Bonnie Hunter Banana Bread...please see below for the recipe!


Home blessing:  vacuum, empty all garbage and recycle, cull magazines, clean mirrors, sweep and mop, clean bathrooms, change all linens and towels, and then do the laundry.   That is my routine...and yours??

Have a wonderful day!!



Sherrill said...

I don't have a routine because it's just me here. If the dishes pile up a little and I choose to overlook them, no biggy. If there's dust on the wood floor and I don't sweep or vacuum, I'm the only one who sees it. But it does eventually get to me a little and I'll do something but never all at once. There--I confessed! HA

Leeanne said...

Sounds like a very productive and happy day! I hope you rewarded yourself with one or two slices of that yummy banana bread! Love that first block and yes it sings 'Happy'!

Chookyblue...... said...

Wow the top block looks so effective......

Little Penpen said...

I just love the appliqué piece. I'll bet your house smelled so yummy while baking banana bread!!

Connie said...

Good morning. I'm wishing I could sample that bread as I sit here with my morning coffee during computer time. Good quilting work as evidenced by the photos.

Janet O. said...

Though CW repros are my #1 choice of fabric, batiks come in a close second. Something about the rich saturation of color and the soothing patterns just grabs me. These blocks are going to make such a pretty quilt!
Your little applique piece is so cute. I think that checkerboard border was a stroke of brilliance.
The banana bread looks delicious.
My cleaning routine is usually on Saturday, getting ready for Sunday and the family dinner we have after church (10-12 people). Then I do a lesser cleaning on Monday--mountains of dishes, sweeping, and wiping up after the family dinner. : )

Kyle said...

Not many people could keep up with your routine. Those of us who are retired, take a slightly slower pace. Or at least, I do!

Lori said...

We have 2 more peeps staying with us, so my cleaning schedule is pretty random at the moment!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I was driving to Texarkana on Tuesday, to spend some time with a friend. Much more fun than cleaning. I'll have to clean when I get home in June.

Brenda said...

What is the "Connecting corner" way of piecing?

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...