Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Moving things forward....

 You may or may not remember that I made this Red Cross quilt.  I used some of the Celebration nine patches, from a swap I had some years ago.  2010, in fact!!  As you know, I am terribly border challenged, and a lot of it comes from trying to use what I have.
 So?  This is it, folks!  The little red border is 1/2 inch finished.  The outside border looks darker in the pictures than it really is, and yahoo!  Another border is on another quilt!!  Hey, Annie?  I found a label on one of the nine patches, telling me it was from you.  I love it!!

See Annie's blog here; it is a treat!!


 Just in the spirit for moving forward, I sewed these blocks together.  The outside border is supposed to be black on this one, I guess...but I am wavering...not surprised, are you?
 What do you think??
 Here is a little leftover triangle quilt...rather wonky.  I like wonky!!


We found a very large snake in the back yard, and this is my hubby holding the tail.  Quite aggressive, probably afraid; he struck several times at us.  We think it is a water snake???

Have a great day!!



Tired Teacher said...

Ewwww, I don't like any kind of snake. I hope you relocated him far from your house!

Love the Red Cross quilt - nice job.

---"Love" said...

That narrow red border really sets of your quilt; I love it! The border you are considering looks great to me; go for it! Your little half-square quilt is cute; I need to save some triangles when I cut them off, but it never enters my mind! ---"Love"

Donna Keating said...

Boo snakes :( Love the Red Cross quilt. The red inner border is so striking, a perfect accent with the outer border.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Water moccasins are very aggressive! I had one chase me and my son, years ago. As for the black, how about a small black border (width of the sashing) then something else as the larger border?

Janet O. said...

I love the Red Cross quilt. Fun to include things from friends in your quilts. Annie is a sweetheart--like you.
Hmm, as much as I love black in my quilts, I might be tempted to use something brighter and happier on that fun little quilt--maybe a narrow black inner border and a brighter outer border, like you did on the Red Cross quilt, only reversed. How is that for a run-on sentence? : )
LOVE the little wonky HST quilt. Makes me smile.
We get water snakes in our yard now and then, but not as big as that one appears to be. Yikes!

Karen said...

The cross quilt has a masculine look. I like it very much. And your applique blocks are oh so good. Hurry and finish that one.

AnnieO said...

Aw, thanks and you're welcome, Julie! I spotted a couple of my blocks there in your wonderful setting. I think the gray, red and black are so striking. ❤️❤️

Lilac Joan said...

I remember your Red Cross quilt. I wanted to make it and then it faded from my mind. Glad you brought it back. Now to make a block or two so I can remember how! We have a big King snake that lives back behind us. This is the third year we have seen him. I named him Herman! (I give him a wide berth!)

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats! on getting your Red Cross UFO into a quilt top. Such a wonderful feeling for an older project!!

Nancy said...

Julie, I never think of you as border challenged. In fact, I think your borders are absolutely amazing. Ugh to the snake. All three of your quilts are wonderful. The black border on the center one is strong but it goes with the black sashing. I think the red and black borders on your Red Cross quilt look great, and that little triangle quilt -- it's wonkiness is endearing.

Binsa said...

Hi Julie, I am not keen on snakes either...or spiders ......we have to spray around the outside of the house every three months.....love your Red Cross quilt...how do you keep your mojo going....I am struggling at the moment

Julierose said...

Love that Red cross--the black border..uh...not so much (I am not a fan of black on quilts though); Snakes begone--spiders begone--I inow they are helpful critters, but yeewww...
hugs, Julierose

audrey said...

Lots of good stuff! The red cross quilt is so sweet. What a great idea to use those for cornerstones. Lots of spark.:)

Kyle said...

You are moving things forward. Both borders on the Red Cross quilts Makes those scrappy blocks shine.

Loris said...

I'm so happy to see your Red Cross top completed. It looks wonderful!

Roxanne said...

Happy to see that Red Cross quilt again. It's terrific. I was thinking like a few others that the appliqué blocks might like a thinner black border.

Chookyblue...... said...

And I don't think you would have wanted the red any wider it looks great......

Lori said...

I really love the red cross quilt! Nice work getting so much assembled! We had a snake encounter less than a week ago out hiking. No rattles, thank goodness, but the thing was huge!

Mystery quilt and more

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