Friday, May 19, 2017

A few blocks.

 Good evening, everyone.  I am working on block number four, of Cheri Payne's basket quilt along.  Everything is just pinned in place, so I have some stitching to do!!
 I was recently gifted some batiks!!  I have very few, so am very thrilled with these.  I am going to make this quilt, below. 
 Here is what the whole quilt looks like. I think it will look amazing, using these fabrics!!  Thank you, Randy!  The pattern is in the McCall's quilting magazine, May/June 2017 edition.
Just a little block, made from the leftover triangles.  It is 5 inch finished...just playing!

Have a super evening!



---"Love" said...

Your basket block looks really good, and your pinwheel block does too. The batiks will make a really pretty quilt with that pattern. I received my McCall's Quilting a few days ago. I always turn up the bottom of the page for quilts I want to keep in mind, and that one is one of the ones I turned up. In fact, I've turned up several pages in that issue! ---"Love"

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That purple block is great! Isn't it fun to do something with the leftover pieces?

Karen said...

You really get a lot done for having a job that keeps you very busy. You need a Featherweight machine tucked away in a small room in the hospital. You can run in there on breaks and sew up a storm.

Janet O. said...

That is such a happy, summery basket of flowers.
I love purple and I love batiks, so that block really grabbed me. It is a great looking design--the batiks will shine!

Tired Teacher said...

The batik block pattern is very attractive. You're going to have fun playing with the pattern and the fabrics.

Libby in TN said...

That block looked very complicated until you showed the mini. Now I can see how the big one goes together. It will make a beautiful quilt.

Anonymous said...

Love the beautiful basket block!

Chantal said...

Oh! How I love your new project. And the fabric too! Randy is so generous. Bless her heart. You are putting that gorgeous fabric go very good use. Your block is awesome. Can't wait to see more of this quilt. Enjoy! ;^)


Lovely new projects-great colors--
I had a big stash of batik's when I lived in NY--
but gave them away when I moved here- miss having some--!!!
happy stitching--
enjoy the moments, di

Anonymous said...

such beautiful work ,well done Julie xx

Kyle said...

I always love to see when you "play".

Lori said...

Can I have a little of what you have? I can't keep up! I love all your little and big quilts and blocks!

Quilter Kathy said...

A beautiful basket block... love it!

Nancy said...

I love the colors on your basket block, Julie. You have a great eye for color -- an intuitive sense that works so well!

Mystery quilt and more

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