Thursday, May 1, 2014

Circular thinking

This is the very same block as the scrappy blocks in last post, except in a different arrangement and the colors are alternating.  I love this pattern!!  I have about 1/2 of the blocks done for this quilt, and am proud to say I used up the whole stack of fat quarter that were packaged together!!  I cut the binding out of these fabrics hurrah!!
Here are the other blocks, all cut out and just waiting for their turn under the sewing machine needle.
I also finished the rest of the melons for the blocks in the last post, and here they are, and THEY need hand stitching of the melons down. so I have no lack of hand work to do, for quite a while.

You may know this, but I get a little obsessed about a new pattern, as this one is new to me. SO...I have a smaller quilt planned too.  I love having scraps to play with!!  and days off....and I have not heard a peep out of the hospital calling me to come to work, as they usually do!!  Wow...makes me wonder what is going on up there!!?


I have been walking and running as I can with the plantar ligament inflammation this past two days off.  I have lost three pounds.  It is NOT due to the running, but I think it does have to do with cortisol.  I just get pretty nervous at times, at work, due to serious nature of what I do.  And when I get nervous, not only do I eat sugar, but those stress hormones cause a person to gain water weight, in my opinion...because I could not have lost three pounds in two days without any diet change.  Well, not eating the sugar I guess is a diet change...but I am still eating meals and not trying particularly hard to diet.  I think for me, as I have said before...sugar is the enemy.  I just feel terribly tired and yucky after I eat it!!  So I am again trying not to!


The raccoon mother is crooning to her babies in the chimney.  She purrs them to sleep, and you can hear them sucking up their dinner...they are our guests, not invited, but not evicted either, until the babies are out on their own.  We saw footprints on the patio last spring, baby little raccoon feet. The squirrels are also having babies too...and the robins are nesting now. A mourning dove has taken up residence in the live oak out back too...and I saw that she now has a husband too.  So we have life and babies all around us here.  I enjoy each family!



Susan said...

That pattern is really enticing...

The more you talk about it the more I am encouraged to give it a try.

Janet O. said...

Oh, I really like the gentle glow of your new project! That is a lot of hand stitching in your future!! : )

Terry said...

One of my most favorite things about spring are all the babies! I'm watching three robin's nests at the moment! :0)

Ali Honey said...

I too like your melon design. Are they raw edged?

Quilter Kathy said...

Love these shapes! i can identify with the obsession, although I call it "creating a series"... as if I'm doing it in a purposeful and planned way. HA!!

Kim said...

Oh my what a beautiful series you are doing there....lovely.
I like the scrappy version in the "pumpkin seed" setting the best and have put that on my list of" I wanna make it" :0)
What size are you making these blocks?

Happy Sewing, enjoy your time away from the bedside.

Rebecca in AK said...

Wow! You have been busy! I like them both, the scrappy ones and the solid melons. I think it is a great pattern. Love hearing about all your babies!

Diane said...

I really like both versions of your block. Sorry about the foot troubles though. I do love hearing about the raccoon family, that sounds so sweet! Have a wonderful weekend.

Chantal said...

They are lovely! Looks like you will have two magnificent quilts soon. Love it.

hetty said...

Love your melons!

Helen in the UK said...

I think you are right about the sugar. Have you watched Robert Lustig's YouTube vid on sugar ... very interesting. I bought the cookbook he brought out in conjunction with a chef and it has been a revelation to me and my body!! Eating better, feeling better, losing weight too (although that wasn't the chief aim). Enjoy your stitching :)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...