Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More progress...

 Well, I am to right here.  All the blocks are sewn into rows, and all the vines are in place...but I need lots more leaves!!  Lots and lots....  I am just sewing rows, because when I have time to hand applique, that is when I can just  pick up a row and go.  Pretty portable, much more so than a whole section, and much easier to applique, being a small piece.
I will work on more leaves when I have time this week...if I have time!!  The hospital has called me to work every day...and I am going, because summer is coming, and that is historically a slow time for us.  Makin' hay while the sun shines!!

These blocks are all the design of Lisa Bongean, of Primitive Gatherings.  Some years ago, she designed a quilt with nine patches and flower blocks, all 3 inches finished.  I just enlarged the blocks to 6 inches, and designed my own setting for this new quilt.  So thank you to Lisa!!  I loved purchasing and making her first quilt, which was a block of the week, and now am making another!!  I did design a few blocks myself too, just to fill in where I was missing a few...I think four blocks are my own design.  I looked at the Primitive Gatherings website, and the pattern is still available HERE.   I drooled a little at all the other quilts on the website too!!

I hope each of you has a wonderful day!!



LuAnn said...

This is just gorgeous and looks like a lot of fun to put together!

Karen said...

This is going to be a wonderful quilt!!

Doniene said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!


Nancy said...

Looking good!

AnnieO said...

Stunning! I actually like just the wiggly vine separating the blocks too!

Janet O. said...

So pretty, Julie!
Lisa's website is dangerous for me. I often fill up my cart and then have to talk myself down from the financial ledge! : )

Nancy said...

This is going to be a happy quilt. I love all the flowers and the variety of colors.

Quilter Kathy said...

I just love everything about your quilt Julie!
Great idea to take the rows for a portable project!
I think I could do that! I might give it a try for a border cause I am pretty good at the seed shape now!

Linda O said...

Looking amazing!!

Rebecca in AK said...

Your quilt top is really coming along. It is so pretty with the vines in the sashing. A great idea about sewing the rows together so it is more portable. It is going to be so beautiful! Interesting that the hospital slows down in the summer. (I found yet another pattern I want lol)

Judy Dietrich said...

Like all the bright colored cornerstones---makes your eye keep moving. The little vines with leaves are fun---great design!!

Michelle said...

Wow! That is a gorgeous quilt! Great job! BTW, I'm signed up for Lisa's current block of the week...I'm weak and I caved. LOL This will be my first with her...

Anonymous said...

WOW! WOW! WOW!!! You SEW girl!!!
....and btw...watch your mailbox.

Shari said...

I have that quilt from Lisa and can't wait to start it. Your version is beautiful. You should send Lisa a photo when it is done.

Ali Honey said...

That's looking really good!

Chantal said...

I thought you said in one of your emails (that I still haven't answered yet sorry!) that you would need at least a hundred hours to finish this quilt. My! Has time fled! because you are well on your way. I can't believe how much you have done already. You are so talented. It looks awesome! So summer-like. Love it.

Kyle said...

It keeps getting better and better every time you work on it!

hetty said...

Gosh you work quickly! I love your progress. This thing just keeps getting better and better all the time!

Jan said...

Just beautiful! I really like the vines!

Joyce said...

You've done it again Julie. This quilt is magnificent!!!! When I first looked at the photo I thought you had made scalloped edged blocks. I was so impressed when I looked at the next photo and realized it was a shashing strip. You always amaze me. You need to publish a book of all of your wonderful quilts!
Love from Joyce in AZ

Karen said...

A big WOW! Love what you have going with this quilt. The applique flowers caught my eye right away. Work fast! I am ready to see the finished quilt.

Binsa said...

Julie, just love your work...stunning.

Loretta said...

Gorgeous!!! Love it!

Sylvia said...


Lori said...

I'm still getting caught up from my trip to Seattle. What a great setting for these pretty blocks!!

Mystery quilt and more

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