Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Scraps! make a String of Pearls

 Happy Wednesday!  I worked 6/7 days of the last week, so I am ready to be home and relaxing.  I never truly relax, though...there is always something to do and sewing to beckon me.  Above is my progress on the String of Pearls quilt.  I have all the blocks made, and I am working on the remaining melon shapes.  That is fun piecing!!  If you have never just taken a hand full of scraps and started sewing with little regard for color mixing or really anything will love it!
 Another view.  I cannot get the whole thing in the shot...cramped quarters!
And an extra block candle mat in the works too.

*****************Nurse's notes**********************

We had a 101 year old lady this week!!  Lives at home, is forgetful though, so she lives with her caretaker sister, who is 94 years old, and drives a jeep.  These ladies were awesome to take care of!  For if you take care of a patient, a nurse also takes care of the family as well.  I asked their secret of living long and lookin' good, as they both did, and their secret?  Living on the farm and not eating too much!!  Makes sense to me!!  Just a week of older patients...another lady was 96...not in such good shape...and many patients in their 80's this week.  Activity seems to be the common theme in all the older patients who were in good shape...this is it, ladies and we all need to walk each day, and throw in some light weights in there too!!  Does a body good!!


Have a great day, everyone!!



hetty said...

I love scrappy quilts and yours is fantastic. I am putting it on my to-do list.

Michelle said...

Wow...great progress. Cute little candle mat too. I loved the story of the two sisters...great advice!

Loris said...

I think I need to find some more scraps for you :-) The ways you are finding to use them are too fun!

Karen said...

Your string quilt reminds me of beaded curtains from the 70's.

Nancy said...

Great advice from your patients - a positive attitude helps, too.

Rebecca in AK said...

I think your String of Pearls is really coming along! You are making good progress especially with working so much. Love the story about the sisters!

Anonymous said...

My word you are genius!!!! This is such a cool vibe pattern!!! First time I've seen it. As always SEW Julie!!!

Rose Marie said...

You never cease to amaze me what you can do with strings!

Quilter Kathy said...

Lovin your scrappy pearls!
How wonderful to meet those inspiring sisters!

Chantal said...

String of pearls oh! I LOOOVE that! I'm happy you finally have some time for yourself. Did you ask the sisters if working the threadle was as good as walking? Because I could fix that LOL.

Jane said...

This is gonna be awesome! I agree on the exercise and eating advice. Somehow, it's easier to exercise than to eat little. My mother just turned 95 and has always been active. Still chops her own kindling and heats her house with a wood stove!

Janet O. said...

Excellent name for this charming creation!
Love those sisters!

Teresa in Music City said...

What a lovely way to use your scraps Julie!!! Very creative :)

Leeanne said...

Loving the quilt progress! I enjoy hearing of older people still living active lives.

Ruth said...

Your blog is where I will go when I need ideas for a scrap quilt - that's for sure! I am packing up and am amazed at how much scrap fabric I have! I see lots of scrap quilts in my future. You are making great progress on your quilt top.

DeAnna said... this quilt. I've never the pattern before! Your pearls really stand out.

Cathy said...

I love this quilt. Great job. Hugs

Susan said...

Love your new pearls......

You have gotten me into trouble again.

Checked out Olde World Quilt Shoppe.

Lovely things... I can see some new projects in my future.

Lori said...

Your quilt is lovely and vibrant! Just how we want to be when we are in our 80's and 90's huh? :)

Karen said...

I just love this pattern!!! It's perfect.

Sarah said...

Interesting quilt pattern. I haven't seen one like that before. Is it one you've made yourself? My Mum always says use it or lose (physical and mental capabilities) as we saw my grandma degenerate from not doing enough of that, and unfortunately she died in her mid 70s. It seems that your patients atest to this theory too.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...