Friday, May 2, 2014

A series!

Ok then...the last (maybe) of this quilt pattern.  This is with four inch blocks.  Reds, or almost reds.  The melons are applique, needle turned.  Not done yet...but I sewed the blocks all together anyway!  A little doll quilt is born!!

Have a great weekend, everyone!!



Terry said...

It's beautiful, as have been the others you've shown in recent posts! :0)

Chantal said...

Oh La La! You sure love this design. It sure makes an adorable doll quilt. I think I prefer this one ... hmmm... well... maybe prefer is a big word LOL! Love them all!

Nancy said...

It's darling!

Rebecca in AK said...

I love the little melon blocks! Pretty reds! You have a lot of appliqueing to do!

Kim said...

Precious little quilt, I hope you hand quilt this one and give it to a very special little girl.

Happy sewing

Donna Keating said...

Cute, cute, cute!!

Missy Shay said...

Your quilt turned out great!

hetty said...

Very cute! How big are your blocks?

Janet O. said...

You are never done with a favorite pattern! Such a cute little quilt! : )

Leeanne said...

Your hooked girl! Fabulous.

AnnieO said...

And they all look so different! Love red and white. This little quilt will be good for that coffee table you might have someday ;)

Kyle said...

A two color quilt is always beautiful and when they're small they're super cute!

Quilter Kathy said...

Another fantastic version! You have a wonderful quilt series going here... hope it keeps on going!!

Loris said...

Hey, I got to come home early today :-) Yeah!

Lcrrkhs said...

Can you tell us the size of the white blocks? I see that you add a row at the top and the bottom for the colored corner, but what's the size of the rectangle?!?!? I am so intrigued!


Barb said...

Oh love this quilt!

Juliann in WA said...

How fun. I have thought of recreating my blue and white version. Love your series of quilts. Thanks for visiting.

Karen said...

A sweet little quilt in the red & white. I had a template set and book at one time that made these only not this small of a size.
Scroll all the way down to see. She has a companion book for ways to use them but she does not show pictures.

Vic in NH said...

Ahhh, the reds are so pretty!
As for the sugar, I, too, am addicted but splenda in my green tea helps me out.

Lori said...

That is lovely too! What a fun pattern to play with!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...