Monday, May 12, 2014

UFO's again...

I was working on these blocks last year, and ran out of steam.  Sometimes a little break from a project is just what a quilter needs!!  I have sewn all these blocks together, and they are mostly finished with the applique.
The remaining blocks were prepped last insomnia night.  So I made good progress, and these blocks are now ready to applique and border!!  The borders are all cut and ready to go, after the blocks are finished.  So another UFO is finally progressing...yippee!!This is a Piece Of Cake design, and I got it at our local quilt shop; the Cabbage Rose.

***********************Nurse's notes******************************

What in the world??  Ladies and gents, why in the world can I not sleep more than 3-4 hours a night!!  I really dislike it...I feel yucky and tired, but the world goes on and I must keep on working at the job and at the tell me what you do for this!!!  I really don't want drugs...any ideas or solutions...and have you ever had this? It is getting pretty dang old!!!  Although I make great progress on my quilting, LOL!!!


Have a great day, everyone!!



Janet O. said...

Sorry for the insomnia. I haven't ever dealt with it, so I can't give you any suggestions. Maybe if you didn't have such a cute, happy quilt to go work on, your brain would be more inclined to shut down and let you sleep, do ya think? : )

Anita in Florida said...

Have you tried Melatonin? It's over the counter and cheap. I had to get it for my loss from Cushings.
good luck...I hate it if I can't sleep!

Smiley Quilter said...

I love how much quilting you get done but i could not function without my 8 hours if sleep. A number of years ago i tried yoga and what i gained from it was the relaxation techniques which help me shut down at the end of each day. I lay on my back and slowly consciously relax each body part from the toes up and then concentrate on breathing. Literally saying in my mind in/out and not letting any other thoughts stay. Sorry for writing a book but this has worked great for me using same if i wake up too early and start thinking of all i have to do. Hope you find something that works.

tilliejane said...

Hi Julie---I know different things work for different people but...........when I run into this problem I eat candied ginger. Does the trick for me.
I would guess you are a "ready for action" person and do need to wind-down sooner in the evening.

tilliejane said...

Hi Julie---I know different things work for different people but...........when I run into this problem I eat candied ginger. Does the trick for me.
I would guess you are a "ready for action" person and do need to wind-down sooner in the evening.

Norece said...

I am the exact same way, have been for the past 8 years. I am grateful when I get 3-4 hours instead of 0-2 hours. I even went to a hypnotist! I hate taking drugs as it makes me feel so out of it the next day. Once a month I do take one pill because I feel as though I am going to implode.
I am going to try that Johnson and Johnson baby sleepy time lotion, but I always forget to buy it.
I have tried essential oils, Quiet Scent by Be Young, smells good and helps a little
I do nap for about 30 minutes each afternoon, which would be hard for you working 12 hour shifts.
Sorry I am not much help.

Juliann in WA said...

So sorry about the lack of sleep. I had that for a few years and it was frustrating. Love your fun quilt!

Anonymous said...

Try wearing earplugs at night. Sorta produces a "white noise" effect for me, plus drowns out the traffic, dogs barking, etc.

Gina in Missouri

Jane said...

Oh Julie, I can so relate! And I don't know how you can work and not sleep well. Hats off to you for that. I've noticed that since we cut out pretty much all added sugar and cut way, way back on carbs, I'm sleeping better. I'm also eating more protein from meats. I guess you know a really dark room helps. Good luck!

hetty said...

I just love your UFO! Are you appliqueing it by hand? I am working on the same pattern and mine is on hold at the moment too.
Sorry I can't help you on the sleeping thing. I only get about 3 to 4 hours per night myself. I find it very frustrating. When you figure something out, let me know.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I have sporadic bouts of insomnia (like last night when I got 3 hours of sleep). I'm going to try essential oils (lavender) ... I just got a bottle this morning.

Nancy said...

No advice on your insomnia. I hope you can find a solution soon - nothing worse than not getting enough sleep.

Love your latest UFO! It's adorable.

Monica said...

This quilt has been on and off my to do list for several years now! I am glad to see that yours is well under way, and looking very good too!

Quilter Kathy said...

This is one of my faves from your UFO pile... so happy to see it is getting some attention :)
I have insomnia frequently from working shift work and from too much stress. I have tried everything... herbal teas, melatonin, over the counter meds, etc etc
Now I take a prescription medication every 3rd night of sleeplessness. I can survive 2 bad nights in a row, but not 3! That usually helps me get back on a regular sleep pattern.

Chantal said...

I too suffer from insomnia every now and again. Does your husband snores? Try sleeping in a different room. Do you snore? Can't sleep in a different room for that one. LOL. When you can't sleep, don't count sheep. Talk to the Sheppard! I write down everything that cross my mind when I awake in the middle of the night, to figure out what is bothering me. I make a list that I promise I will take care of tomorrow if I let myself sleep tonight. Believe it or not, it works very often, not always but very often. Do you have a patient you keep thinking of? Sometimes, we want to do so much that we don't allow ourselves to rest. Write it all down. Give it a try. What do you have to lose but a few hours of insomnia? Oh yeah, almost forgot. Do not eat peanuts or nuts before going to bed. It makes snoring even worst. Good luck.

Leeanne said...

Does it help you are not alone? No I know it doesn't. It seems it is all too common. I think the more you worry about lack of sleep the less you have! Thank goodness you have your patchwork. I heard recently that some folks benefit from exercise in the late afternoon to help with sleep.
The problem is the mind won't shut up sometimes when we want to sleep!
Love the cute UFO :-)

Rebecca in AK said...

I have that pattern and it is definitely on my do to list!! Your is beautiful! As far as sleep, I take Tylenol PM. My husband is up and down during the night and every time he gets up I wake up. The only way I seem to be able to fall back asleep is if I have taken the Tylenol. I hope you find a solution!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I love your blocks~ the bird ones especially. Sorry about your sleeping probs, hope you can find a solution that works for you.

Shari said...

I didn't get a good night of sleep for several years. I finally talked to my gyn and she put me on hormones. It's been about four months and I still sleep like a baby.

Love Cabbage Rose and make sure I visit them when I'm out there for work. They have a great sale corner!

Monica said...

Sorry to hear you're having trouble sleeping. When I can't sleep I put the first Lord of the Rings movie on and I'm asleep before the prologue is over. It works like a charm every time. I also find a fan blowing gently on me helps too...don't know why.

Missy Shay said...

Have you heard of Valerian? It is an herb you can buy at wm, no side effects!! Take 2 a couple of hours before bed. I also drink a cup of sleepy time tea and get ready for bed an hour before I want to go to sleep and read a good book. Exercising also helps, avoid stimulants like coffee and caffeine in the evenings, or earlier if necessary. I hope this helps!

Karen said...

The applique blocks are wonderful. I am glad you are back working on the quilt project. Always something interesting on your blog.

MargieAnne said...

Hi Julie. I'm a recent recruit to your blog. I just love your quilt that was UFO but has become WIP.

There is a lot about sleep an the importance of among Paleo/primal people. Lots of help there.

I think this post has it in a nutshell so I hope you can get it to work.

Carrie Brown's blog has some great tips for all roun health


audrey said...

I get on pinterest and pin quilts until I'm tired.:) Love your applique quilt!

jirons42 said...

I have gotten books on CDs, played them on my laptop and after a short time I fall asleep. It's like having someone read me a bedtime story. Works like a charm.

Ruth said...

I have sleep issues and take a prescription for restless leg syndrome which really helps me, but I usually only sleep 5-6 hours, which may be all I need now. However, I also have sleep apnea and wonder if you have ever had a sleep study done. I hate that I have t use the CPAP machine, but I know some people who really are helped by it. I rear ended someone on my way home from work one day and that's when I decided I needed to see my doctor about not sleeping very well. One thing that I think helps me is to take a hot bath right before bed. Sometimes reading will help you fall asleep too.

Sherrill said...
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Sherrill said...

Oh BOY, I am SO with you! Have endured that for years but have been taking Lunesta and now switched to Temazepam every night. It just got too difficult to keep on without sleep!! I'm also trying some essential oils to help and maybe eventually switch to just those. We'll see.

Edie said...

Hi Julie
I love reading your blog, you have so much "gusto" for lack of a better word. I also enjoy your stories about some of your patients. Have you looked a herbal type products? If you have "Natural Factors" herbal products in your area, they have a few good ones for relaxation. I use them, as I need them when I have insomnia problems, which has been a greater part of my life. I have just resumed taking them again, due to the loss of my husband a few months ago. I am hoping they will help me again. Lots of Love

Lori said...

Great blocks! Piece o Cake design such fun patterns!
I've been dealing with insomnia for awhile. I've just recently started taking Young Living Sleep Essence. It is all natural and so far it is helping me get off unisom! You could even try 3mg of melatonin. I've cut back on any afternoon caffeine as well.

Unknown said...

Try camomile tea sweetened with a little honey if you can't tolerate its distinctive taste and also lavender essential oil sprinkled on a hanky near your pillow - insufficient sleep is so debilitating - hoep you can find something that helps you (((hugs)))

Denise in PA said...

Oh, Julie, I so understand what you are going through. I'm in bed for 8 or 9 hours a night and am lucky to get 5 hours of actual sleep - and it's broken up. I don't know what it's like to sleep through the night anymore. And, I agree, taking a pill just makes me feel terrible the next day. I've tried things like melatonin and they don't really do anything for me. I'm hoping to see a good tip to try in the comments!

Barb said...

great blocks and fun project work on again!
sorry about the insomnia, Lori's ideas sound good - and warm milk? or herbal tea?

Linda O said...

Love, love your blocks!! So happy looking! So sorry you are dealing with insomnia, but look at all you accomplish!

Roxanne said...

Insomnia, ugh. It has helped me to only sleep in bed, no reading or watching TV. I also have music I like for sleeping, Anonymous 4. When I go to bed I have a routine and that helps my body know "we're going to sleep now". Just like a toddler!
Mostly, keep trying different things, you'll figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Have fought sleep issues all my life - circadian rhythm is not "normal". Racing mind keeps me awake so have learned tricks to distract myself: music, I like Enya; make a list and let it go; soft radio - even talking is okay; relaxing my face muscles one at a time; paying attention to my breathing. Once asleep it's okay unless my bladder kicks me. Good luck.
Really like your blog. Always interesting.

Sarah said...

I also struggle with frequent insomnia. I guess it depends on the root cause -- for me it seems to be that my mind can't shut off. It sounds like this hasn't happened before for you? Maybe think about what has happened or changed for you recently -- changes in hormones, sugar consumption, activity level, stress, etc. Lots of good comments here that I second. I guess I'd say you should see a doctor if you can't get to the bottom of it yourself to rule out physical causes. What has helped me the most is just to accept that sometimes I won't sleep, I guess to "give up", because the frusteration and thinking about how the next day will be just makes it worse. I do things I like but that say "night time" to me, like reading a slightly boring book, or repetative handstitching, rather than mysteries or designing new quilts. Hope it helps! Let us all know how you get on -- we're rooting for you. :)

Sarah said...

Couple of old wives tales that I find do work: warm milk with a teaspoon of honey in it. Or even just a teaspoon of honey. The warm milk has actually had scientific studies done. Warming the milk releases enzymes which make us dozy, which is why breast milk makes babies sleepy.

Mystery quilt and more

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