Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Focusing on Unfinished Objects!

The Easter Egg quilt top is done!! Yippee!!   I just really need to concentrate on getting the blocks I already have sewn into finished quilt tops.  I have a backing...and a binding...and a plan!!    Thank you to every single person in my life who has ever given me a scrap of any kind...if it was Easter egg colored, it went into this quilt.  Thank you to Bonnie Hunter, who provides tons of free patterns on her website too.  So onward!!

I have a couple quilts with the blocks already made that are next up.  How are you doing on your sewing and quilting today??

**************************Nurse's Notes**********************

Just musing...skip if you are just here for quilting stuff...

The golden oldies...patients 90 years of age and above.  My favorites of all!!  I just love to talk to these patients and do as much for them as I can.  Lately, we have had people almost this age who have  undergone cardiac bypass surgery.  They are delicate to care for...physical handling, but medication titration as well.  Slow and easy, and watch for changes carefully!  Watch for confusion, and reorient kidney and lung function carefully too! I truly love what I do as a CCU nurse!


Have a great day,



Janet O. said...

The Easter Egg quilt top is so fresh and happy looking! Love it.
I am furiously quilting minis today. No surprise there. : )

*kd. said...

Oh I love this. I love pink quilts. :)

Rebecca in AK said...

Congratulations on the Easter Egg finish!! It looks wonderful!! Your patients are so blessed to have such a kind and caring nurse watching over them!! I am pressing fabric and hope to get some cut out today.

Sherrill said...

YOU are an awesome nurse! I always loved the old folks, too. Any little thing you did for them was so appreciated! But I don't think I'd undergo a bypass or anything like that when I'm that age. Think I'll be ready to go by then! And if I am ever dx with cancer, NO THANKS! NO treatment. After watching my DH go thru 2 surgeries for GBM and having a shunt put in and redone because it wasn't done right the first time, no way. Not worth it!

Quilter Kathy said...

A job you love plus a hobby you love... doesn't get any better than that!

Loris said...

Fun quilt! And with beautiful left over pieces! It's wonderful!
I love those oldies too. Especially one in particular right now. It's a personal blessing to do this job :-)

Juliann in WA said...

I enjoy your quilts but also your lovely words about nursing. I hope my elderly parents might be so well cared for if they ever end up in hospital again.

Kyle said...

Congratulations on another UFO being finished. The colors definitely are the fresh colors of spring.

Doniene said...

Super cute!! Way to go. My quilting/sewing and has been hit and miss - though I do have a BIG finish that I hope to blog about soon!!

If I was ever in CCU, I would want you for my nurse!!

Blessings and hugs!

Nancy said...

I am very surprised that patients in their 90s are opting for bypass. Surely the recovery process is difficult for them, too.

Love your Easter Egg quilt - it's a happy one!

Helen in the UK said...

Loving the Easter Egg quilt - so pretty :)

Leeanne said...

Gosh it is just like Easter eggy stuff!.......happy quilting! I am off to retreat this weekend, I plan to get HEAPS done!

Ruth said...

Don't ask! About quilting and sewing, that is. My moving sale is tomorrow and it is rather hectic around here. My serger is packed and my Janome is out of sight. I did make myself a small travel pillow yesterday morning, but that will be it for a while. I can't wait to get going on my UFOs too, but don't know when that will happen.

Missy Shay said...

What a great quilt, I love the colors!

Linda C said...

Julie, it is always a treat to see what you are working on but I also enjoy your nurse's notes. Such a great attitude about your chosen profession. I'm afraid that I did not always look at my work that way, somedays it was a job that paid the bills. A good thing I did not remain in the profession when I was that burned out by it.

Lori said...

The name for that quilt is perfect!
I always hope if one of my loved ones is in the hospital they will get a nurse as caring as you!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...