Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lisa Bongean's tenth anniversary quilt along!

 Happy Wednesday!!  Off work today...laundry, vacuuming, dusting, cooking, cleaning...those are the words of the day. Except...for prepping this block! This is Lisa Bongean's block, of Primitive Gatherings; the first block in her quilt along.  She is celebrating the tenth anniversary of being in business, so she is doing a free quilt along to celebrate.  Her store also sells fabric and wools if you want to go that route.  I am using scraps.
So here is the has tiny pieces!!  Those are normal size scissors next to it.  The block is on an 8 inch background, so I imagine it will be 6 inches finished.  Pretty tiny, huh??

You can see Lisa's post and get the free pattern HERE.

Hope all you have a great day!!



Terry said...

I'm thinking of doing this one in embroidery. :0)

Michelle said...

I just printed off the pattern! Love it! Yours is beautiful!

belarmina said...
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belarmina said...

me gusta es precioso este bloque!!!!
gracias por compartir

Juliann in WA said...

Are you using cotton? I love this little block - thanks for posting
p.s. How are you sleeping?

Janet O. said...

Beautiful! How did you get this made so quickly?
I saved the pattern and have no idea when it will get made. I think I will be using wool. I have haunted the local thrift stores and felted quite a supply of the stuff. : )

Kyle said...

I just saw that. I'm going to go print it. Yours look great. Bright and cheerful.

Karen said...

You did a quick job of prepping that block. I printed out the pattern earlier today.

Raewyn said...

Lovely!! You are quick off the mark, I've printed off mine..but got no further.

Jill said...

Pretty block. Yes, those are tiny pieces. I very much like your choice of scraps.

WoolenSails said...

That came out really nicely, are you doing raw edge?
I was going with wool, but noticed how small the pieces are when I printed it out, so thinking I need to use my thicker wools.


Quilter Kathy said...

I looked at it and thought it would be too hard for me! I like Terry's idea of embroidery! Great job!

Rebecca in AK said...

I printed my copy off today. I can't believe you already have yours all prepped and ready to sew! Very pretty!

audrey said...

So pretty! Very tempting, but I'm terrible at keeping up with the QAL's.:)

Lori said...

What a sweet block!

Cathy said...

Your block is beautiful. I also downloaded the pattern. Are you doing needle turn or buttonhole applique. Hugs

Chantal said...

Mmmm! It is such delicious little block and sooooo teeny tiny! Wow. 6 inches! That is just a one-bite eye-candy! LOL

AnnieO said...

Yowza, that is tiny! Far beyond my skills but yours is gorgeous

Scrappy/Cindy said...

Thanks for the link. I love your block sew much I want to sew along.

Randy D. said...

Thanks for sharing this!!

Sylvia said...

How cute is that block?! Very nice. And you are right, it is pretty tiny. :)

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