I am so pleased to get the borders sewn onto this quilt! Yahoo for an oldie but a goody.
These are just bordered pinwheel blocks, with a circle appliqued on top. I think of my forebearers, coming west in a covered wagon, thus the name "Wagon Wheels". Hurrah for a finished quilt top!
A friend used her embroidery machine and made these towels...sorry the lighting was awful. They are pure white towels.
Love this one too!
A lady volunteer from the gift shop gave me a sprig of a plant in a pot. She said it was an angel wing begonia. I put it in the back of the house, by the sunniest window, and have been nursing it along. See the leaves, that form angel's wings? Thus, the name...I did not know this and am so happy to have it flourish! I love the pink blossoms that are appearing!
One tomato plant is thriving in the heat, not sure how, but it is putting on tiny little baby tomatoes. I continue to water them, but in 108-degree heat here in Texas....they are suffering. Poor babies! I just thought of something...I will bring the ones in pots into the back room with the begonia.
I make sure any outside animals, like raccoons, possums, and cats that wander by all have water to drink. TOO HOT!
My zinnias continue to bloom, however, if I water them morning and night. I love their simple, colorful blooms. Practically foolproof flowers! See my toasty lawn? this is with watering every day!
My favorite pink!
A large white bloom...lovely!
Hope you all have a lovely day!
*********************Nurse's notes*****************
A lady came in with a heart attack, sick as a dog, coughing, wheezing, could not keep her saturation up until she was on high flow oxygen. Fever, severe headache., very high inflammatory makers. Sure enough, a covid induced heart attack...inflammation is a key in this infectious disease. She had two positive tests yet was adamant that she did not have covid and that we were making it all up.
Sigh...OK. Until then...she is in isolation. I tried very hard to teach her about why she was getting anti-viral meds, and all about what had happened...she was having none of it, and I was stupid, and the hospital was too, and the doctors knew nothing.
Ok, dear...I will continue to care for you, anyway!!!!!!!!! I hope she feels better and can grasp more later on.