Monday, August 24, 2020

Working very hard with not too much to show for it!!

I finished the little 1/2 square triangle border for the Autumn quilt.  I liked sewing this border!  I did stay stitch around the edge, because I still have to do a lot of applique in the previous border.
Not pressed yet, but in one piece!  Not sure how far I will go with this quilt, but it is fun to think of what to do for the next border.
We no longer have hospital volunteers, due to the Corona virus. Volunteer work in a hotbed of virus is not healthy for our older volunteers, so the program is suspended for now.  Our volunteers used to make small incisional brace pillows for our patients, so I am making them now for our floor.  They are 11x16 inches, and I ordered a huge box of polyfil to fill them up.  I will try to make 8-10 per week, depending on need, and also depending on when the volunteers come back!  Of interest, the main volunteer pillow maker is 94 years old, and her name is Wadie.  She and I are fast friends!!  She is a doll, and misses her volunteer work.
Progress on the Friendship quilt!  Eight more blocks down!!
 And I am trying to figure out fabrics for a quilt of valor.  I don't have just lots of big pieces of fabric, but I am determined to use what I here I go!  I am going for it, with my friend Annie, who is also making a quilt for a gift to a young person.

Hugs to all!



Tired Teacher 2 said...

Scrappy QOV are loved, too! Bless Wade for her volunteer spirit.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Looks like a lot of progress to me! Love the medallion so far. And, kudos for making all those pillows!

Loris said...

You have more to show than you think :-) That applique quilt looks sweeter with each new design idea you add. I love HST border. Good for you helping out with those pillows. Those volunteers were the loveliest people to know when I was working. They were always so inspiring.

Kyle said...

Adding a border of tiny hst’s takes more time than most people realize. I like where your Autumn quilt is heading.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You always stay busy and positive; I continue to pray for you and all of those on the healthcare front lines. I have a neighbor who's always been a volunteer on the heart floor at our local hospital for years, he is truly missing being there in that capacity. Take care, my friend, and stay safe. You're blessed to be a blessing! Your autumn scrappy is positively wonderful!

Robin said...

Each new border really enhances the center. Looks so pretty and I know lining up all those HSTs take a lot of time.

Jennie in GA said...

What a busy bee you are!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

If the volunteers sew, can't they do that from home? Someone could go to their home and pick up the finished items (on the porch, no contact). That is how my little guild got so many masks made and donated (I was the drop off, pick up person). My mother volunteered at her hospital (in the ICU waiting room) but that has also been suspended a 2nd time.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love the Autumn quilt - my colors! QOV will be pretty!

Quilter Kathy said...

A lovely border addition to this project!
I don't know how community and hospital services are running without the help of all the volunteers. Can't wait til it gets back to "normal"!

Chookyblue...... said...

It's looking good Julie......

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...