Friday, August 7, 2020

A little late, but now I am caught up! Mrs. Lincoln!!

I was supposed to post with the group on the first...but it just didn't happen this month.  But now I am caught up!!  Here are my two blocks for Mrs. Lincoln.  I find I am just loving the applique!  It is very, very relaxing, to just sit quietly and stitch.  I never do that!  I need to do more of it!!
And here are the blocks in the setting row.
My dear local friend Marilyn made all these nursing caps!!  Marilyn is a retired nurse, and is 80 years old.  We worked together for many years at the hospital.    Some of the caps have matching masks, too, although we are not allowed to use the masks in the hospital.  But they are great for community use.  Thank you dear Marilyn!!
Here is a close up on one of her sets.  They are already all given away to nurses at the hospital.  


Sue SA said...

So lovely to make something for others, but even more special to receive.

Loris said...

Lovely applique and a fun stripe fabric for the sashing. I'm so glad you found some quiet stitching time. I need to get to some hand work as well. I always seem to lean towards pushing little pieces under my machine needle :-)
Your friend made so many wonderful hats and masks for your fellow nurses. I hope you are seeing some decline in numbers of those needing hospitalization. I sent some hats that you should be getting in the mail today. And I loved that mask improvement that you posted on FB. What a great way to get a better fit and a way to get it to stay put!
Hope you get more stitching time soon. :-)

Karen said...

A happy yellow bird.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The humble sewing machine has become a STAR in 2020! Kudos to all who have made masks and head coverings.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I thought that I had ordered Ms Lincoln but who knows. Cannot find it In all the books and patterns I drooled over the last 7 months. Yours is looking pretty! Hugs

Janet O. said...

A very cheerful quilt to work on in trying times!
Wonderful caps, and I love the idea of the matching masks--even though you can't use them at the hospital.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...