Thursday, August 13, 2020

Autumn Medallion; Caps for Caregivers

I have just been playing around with this quilt a little bit.  This center block was a gift, and I am using it as the center of a medallion quilt.  Just for fun!
My dear friend Loris made more Caps for Caregivers!  Inside each pretty cap that you see, are more and more caps!  Lots of caps!  More than a dozen. THANK YOU , Loris, on behalf of our nurses and techs!!  
 A local friend Miriam sewed these hats, from a different pattern.  THANK YOU, Miriam!  These are reversible.
I made this type yesterday, six of then.  From a very different pattern. 
 This is the packaging I am using...a bag, with the label attached, designating who made each cap.  I want the nurses to know that this is a handmade item, made with love and care, just for them.  

Also, I had another anonymous gift of wonderful caps and satchels....THANK YOU!!!  The benefactor wants to be anonymous.  

Have a great day, everyone!



Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The medallion quilt is looking really nice. Glad you are getting caps.

Libby in TN said...

Medallion quilts seem to be having resurgence. I'm liking the idea that I can stop after any round and still have a usable "finish."

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

What loving, caring cap makers; your nurse friends are blessed! Your medallion quilt is lovely in every way.

Sherrill said...

I saw Lori post that she'd made caps as well so most likely more incoming!! What are the satchels used for? Don't recall you posting about satchels. You are ALWAYS busy!

Loris said...

I love all those fun fabrics for the caps! God bless all those wonderful healthcare peeps!
I also love where you are taking this medallion quilt. The vine around the border will be beautiful. We might get a pinch of monsoon season rain here this morning. DH is out (on his electric cart!) with our runner dog, Luke trying to sneak in time before it starts. We are so dry here by this time of year, the deer and gardeners will be thrilled if we managed to actually get some :-)

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The notes inside the packaging is a wonderful addition!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a fun variety of caps!!!

Jennie in GA said...

Love the fall colors in the medallion quilt. What an outpouring of love in those caps.

Susan said...

Your response on the caps has been terrific! That medallion is just lovely. It shows what we can do if we only want to do ONE great appliqué block. =)

Janet O. said...

Your autumn medallion is looking really good!
So many wonderful cap makers!

Quilter Kathy said...

That medallion project is very cool! I love how it's coming along!
Thanks to everyone who is thinking of the welfare of others and sewing things to help out! XOXO

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