Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The hexagon quilt from 1995

Once upon a time, (in 1995) there was a beautiful nurse, who was sewing bits of cloth together by hand, hexagon shaped, into quilt blocks, like these, while she was on her short lunch break at work.  I was a very young nurse, and very intrigued with what she was doing, and went in to the breakroom and asked her what she was up to!  She explained to me that this was English Paper Piecing.  The next shift that we worked together, she brought me some papers and scraps of fabric.  I was immediately smitten with the whole thing!  Marilyn W. is now a retired nurse, but is still quilting, and 80 years old this year.  She taught me to piece this way, with the tiniest stitches in the world!
Fast forward to 2019.  I had all these blocks done, but was absolutely thinking I would never, ever finish this quilt, so I gave the quilt top to Marilyn, for a gift.  I just knew she would finish the quilt and enjoy it for herself and her family, and was so glad to give it to her.  She loved the gift and thanked me for it, and I was so happy, thinking she would love it, as she taught me how to do this type of quilting.

Move forward in time again to 2020, in the pandemic.  Marilyn took my start, finished the top into a lap quilt, hand quilted it and called me that she had something for me.  I had no idea, but went to her home, and lo and behold, she had finished the quilt and gave it back to me!!!!!!!!!!  I said no, no! That is for you!  She said she needed something to occupy her time while she was in quarantine at home, and she had hand quilted it, and she wanted me to have this quilt back.  OH MY WORD!  IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!  Not the dated fabrics, or the silly fabric choices I made with my limited fabrics, but her stitches, her time and effort.  She said that she did not know how much longer on earth she would be, so she wanted me to have this back.  Can you believe that???

So the gift of her teaching me, and my gift to her of the quilt top, and then her giving back to me a quilt...wow.  I have been spoiled so much this year, it is incredible!!

Here is the way she finished it.  She must have a bolt of that pink backing fabric, because she has certainly used it in every project she makes.  She sewed the hexies like this on the edge, have you ever seen that technique???  It is so pretty!

And that is the story of the Hexie Quilt from 1995!!

I am making a bit of progress on the autumnal quilt.  Lori at Humble quilts at one time told me to take an element of the center of a quilt and make a border for a quilt...so, following her advice,  I looked at this block, and make the corner flowers and also the leaves and golden center circles motif.  
So there you are!  A bit of stitching done.
 I made some caps like this one, for the young gals...they seem to like the "do-rag" style.  They are super fast to make...

Have a great day, everyone!



Julierose said...

What a heartwarming story of the hexagon quilt...what a treasure you have...all hand quilted,
too...amazing. I have never seen an edging like that--but it is beautiful what a wonderful piece of work...Enjoy...hugs julierose

Binsa said...

Loved your story Julie.

Sandy said...

What a lovely quilt, Julie, and story that goes along with it. Now it’s become a treasured memory quilt!

Douglas Oliver said...

I’m usually lurking on your blog but this post moved me to comment. What a lovely story. I don’t know you personally but I believe you and Marilyn to be beautiful extraordinary women. Than you for sharing.

Loris said...

What a wonderful story to read today. Such a sweet friend to teach you to hand piece and to bless you with this finished work. You will certainly cherish this for so many reasons.
That is a clever and lovely way to finish the edge and back of the quilt.
I love the border you are doing on your autumnal quilt :-) Lori had a great design idea there.

Mama Joan said...

I originally was not going to leave a comment on this post because “it’s just me.” But I love when people comment on my blog posts.

The Grandmother’s Flower Garden...WHAT a gift!! Precious.

Your other work looks wonderful, as always. You are such a prolific quilter.

Kyle said...

What a beautiful story and a beautiful quilt.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

What a fantastic quilt and a most wonderful story. Looks like you have both been given a gift. Thanks for sharing.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

How sweet of her to finish that quilt and give it back to you. I like how she finished the backing. Looks like lots of work from both of you.

GO STARS! said...

What a beautiful story about a beautiful quilt! I have never seen hexies on the edge of the backing that way but it gives extra fun to the back and finishes the edge beautifully. Thanks for sharing the story of such a wonderful gift.

Rose Marie said...

A lovely story to be written on the quilt label! What a treasure you have. You are truly blessed.

Stephanie D said...

What a wonderful gift! And oh, the memories you do and will have from this! I love that hexie binding--so unique.

And what a clever idea about borders! I will have to remember that one.

Quilter Kathy said...

That is an amazing story of a wonderful quilt journey! I think you should make a label with the details of the story. That edging is fascinating... I have never seen anything like it. It's a brilliant way to finish a hexie edge...but very labour intensive!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

What a wonderful story that you remembered one who helped you love quilting - then giving it away only to receive it back quilted!!!
I used to have a lot of those pre printed blocks - they went with a Lynette Jennings - Thimbleberries quilt.
Have a great day! Hugs

Lori said...

Oh my goodness! What a precious quilt you will have to treasure your friendship!!
Happy birthday Julie!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The story behind the quilt made my day! Quilters are kind and are generous with their time and talents. Enjoy this amazing quilt.

Robin said...

That is a delightful finish for the back of the hexagon finish. Your friend is very talented (and very generous). Your border on the medallion quilt is just perfect.

Chantal said...

Such a lovely story. This quilt deserves a very special label, I believe. I have seen this kind of finish on the Internet but haven't try it yet. ;^)

Karrin Hurd said...

What a beautiful quilt and story!

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

Love the story of your hexie quilt. How impressive that at 90 she hand quilted and made the hexie edge!! I did make a lap size quilt of hexies but did not know how to 'bind' or 'finish' the edge. I made half blocks so I could have a straight edge and bind it the traditional way. Now I know how an expert would finsh the quilt. The signature block needs to definitely include both your signatures. Patty McDonald

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

I meant to say how impressive at 80!! Patty Mc

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A lovely story and wonderful quilt! Us nurses, even here in NZ, we were all making hexis years ago, were we not busy? wonder what happen to mine?

Chookyblue...... said...

what a magic story about the quilt......very special......

blossom accountants said...

nice post thanks for update

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