Sunday, August 2, 2020

Where do I start????

I finished the hand quilting for this scrappy quilt.  I used most of the strips from my two inch wide strip bin.  The bin is mostly empty!!  So that was fun!!!  I was going to hand quilt around every colored block, but ended up just quilting along each white strip.  I think it is plenty of quilting to hold it all together.  Life is short, you know?  I have other quilts to hand quilt, and time is a wastin'! As my daddy used to say. 

 Odd things about this quilt are:  No batting. I used thick flannel for the back, and there are so many seams, that I just left the batting out.  The binding is scrappy,  as I used 1 1/4 inch strips, a single fold binding.  Thus, my stitches showed through to the front often due to no batting!  So I used a quilting stitch to finish the binding, so all the stitches show to the front!  So that is odd.  In fact, the whole thing is wonky and odd!  I like it!!!  PLEASE don't report me to the quilt police...I am sure this quilt is a felony!

I had not one, not two, but three oopsies!  Places where I somehow missed a few stitches in the seam, creating a hole.  So I appliqued some flowers over the holes.  Yahoo!!!  Done!!!

So this is my slow stitching for the day...please see Kathy, here, to see what everyone else is slow stitching on!!

*************************Nurse's Notes**************************

I have given out every single nursing cap that was sent to me, and I am so very grateful to all of you for making them.   The nurses took great glee in picking their caps!  I covered all of day shift with caps, and some of night shift, and I am making more, and it is fun to see them light up at something to distract them from the corona virus.  You would love seeing them!

We had 4 covid patients die in one week on our floor, so everyone was quite frightened and sad.  None this past few days, however.  15 of our nurses, techs and secretaries are out sick with it now.  Two people have actually gotten better, and test negative, so they can come back to work!  One remains quite ill.  One nurse came back, and although she was out sick five weeks, she still has a horrible cough, so I remained distant from her, at her request, although I did have to get report from her...we both wore masks, and we both felt so bad...usually I hug on my baby nurses, but administration says we cannot do that now. I am sick of this virus!  

We had one bypass patient with it, that came in negative, and tested positive two days later...his wife then informed us that she had covid prior to him coming to the hospital!   He passed away...just too much, with the virus and having a fresh bypass surgery.  Poor guy!

Some of our positive patients are going home, better, so that is good.  

I have worked several days in a row, so I am grateful and glad for this day, a day of slow stitching, laundry, leisurely cooking and relaxing a bit!




Kim said...

Julie, you just keep on keeping, don't you, making this world a better place with your special care to your patients and fellow medical staff....THANK YOU! I hope your Sunday is a lovely one where you can rest and recuperate a little as you hand stitch this pretty quilt. Oh.....and I love those who break all the 'quilting rules'. Take care.

Terry said...

I absolutely love your quilt! It looks like the most beautiful brick wall I've ever seen! Hang in there! :0)

Sherrill said...

I don't know how you get so much done in the quilting dept. AND working at the same time. I'd probably come home from work and pass out til the next shift. That quilt turned out gorgeous but what a bunch of work you!

nestki said...

Wishing you the best. I appreciate you.

Astrid said...

I absolutely love your scrappy quilt! The added daisies are so cute, who would know there are oopsies behind the daisies?! Stay safe and healthy!

Lori said...

Would you like more scrub caps?? I think I can make some soon!!

Quilt police? Nowhere in sight. I think they've been defunded. :(

Vicki W said...

Love, love, love this quilt!

Nann said...

Love the design -- a grand stashbuster! The daisies add a nice pop.

eileen said...

What a great quilt, a riot of color and those daisies are a nifty trick !!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...