Thursday, December 28, 2017

Taking stock of projects for the coming year

 I am trying to figure out what I am going to focus on during this coming year. While I was rooting  around in the unfinished projects, I found the above postage stamp quilt that I began maybe two years ago.  The finished project will be 80 inches x 100 inches, and here is where I am on it.  So that is 8000 pieces, if I were counting...
I have all the one inch pieces cut is a long sewing process for this one.  I was inspired by a patient's family member as she brought in her own postage stamp quilt for her mom.

I just love this quilt!  Maybe it will be one of the projects for this year!!



Nancy said...

There is something positively eye-catching about a a quilt with small squares alternating colors and plains. Even if you don't add a border (with our without applique) this quilt will be striking, Julie. I've been cutting 1½" squares from small scraps and recently sewed a 10" x 12" block and thought it quite an accomplishment -- but it was so small! Now I'll have to decide what to do next -- bigger, or a miniature quilt, border/no border, applique, etc. I hope you had a great Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year!

Leeanne said...

Holy smoke girl that's one amazing scrappy quilt!!! Do you sew it together in rows or blocks?

Janet O. said...

Oh, what a wonderful sight!! I love postage stamp quilts, but have thought I would never have the patience to make one.
Like Leeanne, I am curious if you have made this one row at a time?
I recall Kathie Holland was making one, making one block at a time, were they 12" square--I can't remember. Maybe I need to bite it off in little chunks like that, and have it finished in 20 years, or so!!
I will be watching to see if you finish this one this year. :)

LintLady said...

Hello Julie,
I am always visiting your blog, but not commenting a lot. I like your work and this "Stamp" one will be wonderful!
Happy New Year from Germany, Doris :o)

Sherrill said...

Uhhh, 1" pieces?!!! WAY too tedious for me. Guess at this stage (where my desire to quilt has diminished greatly) I look for ways to use large pieces to get a top together more quickly in order to attempt to use up more of the stash. That is because I've determined all my future quilts will be donation only.

Little Penpen said...

Amazing!! are you hand stitching or machine stitching? I'd like to know more, too. Happy 2018!

Quilting Babcia said...

I'm in awe of people who can stitch pieces this small! Do you trim your seams after stitching to reduce the bulk and weight?

Chantal said...

I had to count the blocks because, yeah I'm crazy. You are already half way there. Wow! Kudos to you. I keep pieces of 1.5 inches too. They are mostly to make 9 patch blocks though. Your quilt will be so stunning. Enjoy! ;^)

Tired Teacher said...

Nice! If the pieces are already cut, you're close to having it completed.

Lori said...

That's a fantastic quilt!!! I'd love to see you finish it up!

Stephanie D said...

Are you doing this with the leaders and enders method? I started saving 1 1/2 inch pieces a long time ago, but have never done anything with them.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Wow--that will be a fun one when you get it finished--can't wait to see it!

AnnieO said...

Wow! Stunning. Love all the red in your quilt. I have a ton of 1.5” squares that need a home but don’t think I could face the seam allowance fussing! Carry on, Julie!

Chookyblue...... said...

Omg I've been going thru some V boxes....... Way to many things on the more finished would be good....need to learn to quilt to.......

Julie said...

I wish I had done my postage stamp quilt like yours, I just grabbed fabrics and sewed, not separating light and dark. It would be so much prettier if I had. I hope to get mine together this year as well! It's been a 20 year project so far!

Anonymous said...

My friend mentioned that she wanted to make a postage stamp quilt. That got me thinking that I should make one also. Then I saw yours, and now know that I like your idea of the alternating the light/dark squares. Hope you get to finish yours this year, as I start mine. Thanks for sharing.

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regan said...

Oh yes! You must put this on the 2018 finish list! It's wonderful!

Lynn Dykstra said...

Always love a postage stamp quilt!

Mystery quilt and more

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