Friday, December 1, 2017

What to do with the rainbow projects!!?

 I made nine of these rainbow themed flower blocks, then did not make anymore.  I need three more for a pretty assortment, like the rainbow!
 Here is a closer look.
 OK, so here are 10 of these blocks...need two more for a little quilt!!!
 And then I have only made pink, orange and brown of these need a lot more of these.
and one of this kind of block!!

Additionally, I am working on the birds, from the previous post...

SO!!!?  I have a lot of starts, and not a lot of finishes.  At least I have them all sorted out and sort of a plan of attack to finish some of these.  Tell me I am not the only one who does this!!!

******************************Rosie Posie Pudding Pie: a poodle story**************

Rosie, my poodle, on the last walk of the evening, got ran over by a bike, last night.  She is pretty hurt...I don't think she has internal injuries but is pretty beat up and hurts so much.  The vet gave her antibiotics and also heavy duty pain meds.  I would love your prayers and good wishes for her...she is such a darling girl and I just hate to see her in any distress.  Thank you!


Have a super day!!


scottylover said...

Oh, no! Poor Rosie (and poor you!) Praying all turns out okay for her. That had to be so scary!

Sandy A

Chantal said...

So sorry to hear about Rosie. Poor little thing and yes, prayers are going your way, for her and you. I understand how this can be stressful for you. Consider yourself hugged.
On the quilting side, no, you're not alone with more than one half rainbow quilt. I believe I have 5 at the moment. I might start a few more next year, lol. Some projects I have fallen out of love. Well, it happens you know. Anywho, I think you need more greens in your rainbows. I love the pinwheel one. It would be nice if you did it all with just pink, orange and brown. It's awesome so far. Enjoy! ;^)

Quilting Babcia said...

Oh, poor baby! I hope she recovers soon. Good that your vet was able to see her quickly and give her some pain relief. Yes, I also have lots of blocks with "someday" plans. I think it happens to all of us.

Sherrill said...

Oh NO! Poor puppy girl! Stupid distracted bike rider :-(( That's terrible. Prayers for Rosie and hope she's all better soon.

AnnieO said...

Poor Rosie! Hope she feels better soon.
I love all your rainbows. Couldn’t help but think the first group would look great with alternate hourglass blocks to make them look set on point.

Nancy said...

Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about Rosie's accident. It sounds like a horrible thing to have happen and for you to see. Poor girl. I hope she's okay and recovers quickly. Yes, prayers for her.

Your blocks look great. I've never done the rainbow scrap challenge. I've thought about it but can't quite decide on blocks to make. Maybe one of these days I'l take the challenge.

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

The poor thing!!! I am praying she will heal fast! Now, question: could you mix the flower blocks with the square blocks to make a quilt with perhaps a white 1-1/2" sashing? That would finish one project... The last block would make a wonderful wall hanging or pillow on its own. I too have projects that need finishing :-). Someday!

Leeanne said...

Poor Rosie! Sending kiwi hugs to help the healing process. xx

Teresa said...

I hope little Rosie is doing better. Your quilts are lovely and will make nice finishes.

Libby in TN said...

Love all your rainbow projects. I saw that last star recently done with a dark background and it looked like a snowflake.

hetty said...

Love all of your rainbow blocks. Sending prayers and cyber hugs to you and poor little Rosie. Hope she feels better soon.

Little Penpen said...

It breaks my heart to hear about Rosie's accident! Praying for you and her!! Love all your rainbow pretties!!!

Tired Teacher said...

Under your loving care, I'm sure Rosie will recover fully. Sending healing prayers your way.

Karen said...

I am quite sure you are the only one who has lots of starts and no finishes. NOT!

Loris said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Rosie's injuries! Poor girl, I'm praying she heals quickly. What a scary thing for her!
Your quilt starts are all lovely. Hugs!

Cathy said...

Oh how sad. I will pray for a quick recovery. Our pets are family.

So much eye candy. I love all the projects you are working on. Hugs

Janet O. said...

So sorry about Rosie's bicycle encounter! Comforting to know she has such a good nurse!
You have such a variety of rainbow projects. Each one makes me smile.
I am intrigued by the star block at the end. Is it hard to assemble?

Sue SA said...

Sorry to hear about your dog, hope she gets better soon. I always have multiple projects in progress, but dont have them as well organised as you do! Love your flower blocks they look sweet as do the pinwheel blocks.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of Rosie's accident. Prayers going out for Rosie and for you. Take care.

Kyle said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Rosie's accident. I can't believe a biker would be so careless. Hope she heals quickly.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I hope Rosie is much improve by now. So scary!

Great to see your rainbow blocks all together. Many of mine are moving into next year too. Along with some new designs!

Lori said...

I have no doubt those quilts will be finished soon!
I hope Rosie is on the mend!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Poor Miss Rosie.. hope she is completely healed and back to her old self.
You are absolutely not alone... I am in the same scrappy boat!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I hope Rosie is doing better by now. That last block would be great as a center for a round robin quilt.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...