Friday, December 15, 2017

Working on step four of the mystery quilt and some other stuff

Surprise!  I have made more than one of this plaid quilt that was in my header forever!  Here is my latest, which is not very new, actually.
 I am going to sandwich it and hand quilt this one. I am feeling some time pressure to get these quilts all completed.   I just love this pattern...see my big mistake! LOL!  It is all will sleep someone warm and cozy anyway!!  PLAIDS RULE, by the way...and I have been saving plaid strings and pieces to make more of these quilts.  The pattern is by Evelyn Sloppy.
 I am working on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, and here is where I am.  All of step one done, some of step 2, 3, and 4 done...and most of all the pieces are cut out.  This is my project box...thrown away plastic bins from the hospital.  I love these for organizing pieces and parts!
 This is what the step four unit looks like....
Unless you do it like this!  WHOOPS!!!  Hahaha!!!

Have a lovely day, everyone!!!



Cathy said...

I love your plaid quilt. It is beautiful. I was wanting to do Bonnie's new mystery but can't at the moment. But I am saving the patterns. Hugs

Donna Keating said...

Love your projects.

Tired Teacher said...

One scrappy plaid quilt is wonderful; two scrappy plaid quilts are fabulous! ❤️

Teresa said...

Your mistake cant be very big as I cant see it...I just see a cozy looking quilt.

Bonnie said...

I love your plaid quilt. When I first started reading your blog, I was drawn to that quilt. I made a plaid top (have never had it quilted). I have shown it to many people who have since made this quilt. Just think because of you many people have made this pattern. Merry Christmas and keep quilting.

Quilting Babcia said...

Well, I certainly can't see any mistake in your quilt! I love plaids in quilts too, and love making string blocks, maybe one of these will pop up on my blog one day.

Chantal said...

You can make as many plaid quilts has you want, I'll never get tired of looking at them. They are just that beautiful. The little "mistake" gives the quilt some character and whimsical smile. ♥ it. Enjoy the mystery sewing. ;^)

Leeanne said...

I have always loved that Plaid quilt too.......I have always been going to make it too :-) I don't see the mistake though?????

Debbie said...

Not much of a mistake. You will be the only one that will ever know.

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

You pump out those lovely quilts so fast. I don't see the mistake so I'm sure the lucky person to receive it won't notice either. Patty Mvc

Lori said...

Fantastic! It is hard to keep up with Bonnie's mystery, but fun!!
Love your string quilt!!

Kyle said...

I'm like everyone else. I can't see your mistake. Are you sure you made one?!? Sewing with plaids is extra fun especially when you don't worry too much about straight of the grain.

ThreadCatcher said...

I have long admired your plaid quilt and have stocked up on plaids to make one of my own. I'm wondering what was the largest width of strip you used. I'm guessing two inches...can't wait to get going on mine in the new year.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...