Wednesday, December 6, 2017


 I have been, as you may know, trying to use up all my scraps.  Here is one of my latest efforts.
These blocks are 6 inches finished, and I need five more blocks to make a fair sized quilt.

1 Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

I just love this bible verse, and it seemed so right to put these affirming words in this quilt, especially with some of the mayhem going on in the world!

Maybe I need to put the Love block on the top of the quilt somewhere???

Hope each of you is having a great day!!



Joyful Quilter said...

Great scrap buster. I really like that you have put the inspirational words in.

Quilting Babcia said...

One of my favorite verses too. Great use of some of your scraps.

Libby in TN said...

My then-11-yr-old read that passage at our wedding in 1981 with the appropriate emphasis on the last phrase. Not a dry eye in the house.

Nicole said...

Love your little flying geese. I have some charm squares I want to use up and you have given me a great idea!

Tired Teacher said...

Looking good!

Karen said...

What would you do if you used all your scraps up?

Janet O. said...

With all of the beautiful scrap quilts you have been turning out (including this one), are you anywhere close to using up your scraps? And as Karen asked, then what? :)
Love the words placed among the blocks
I might be inclined to have love in the center, since it is the greatest of the three (at the heart of everything), but the top may give that effect as well.

julieQ said...

Karen, I would probably be in mourning if I used them all up, LOL!!!

Chookyblue...... said...

You do such a good job on the scrap quilts...

Kyle said...

Your scraps just seem to fall into place. You've created another scrap masterpiece.

Joyce Carter said...

Perfect Julie. It is going to be beautiful. I really love this verse too. I think someone said LOVE should go in the middle. I think that would be appropriate because love should be the center of everything we do. Great job!

Chantal said...

Did you have a pattern or did you just "wing it"? Love how you made the words fit into the quilt. Excellent work, Julie. I believe I recognize a plaid fabric in there. Enjoy! ;^)

KaHolly said...

I always love to see your scrappy creations! They inspire me! I’m back in Tx with a whole different box of scraps, all rested up, and raring to go!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

You have the words listed in order, according to the verse. Maybe just add 'Love' to the backing, too.

Kate said...

Very pretty and bright blocks. It's a great scrap buster too.

Barb said...

Just love your quilt you are working on

Lori said...

I love that verse too! I like them random, although your top is probably done!

Mystery quilt and more

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