Saturday, September 30, 2017

Orange you glad it is almost fall weather???

 I have been working a little bit each night on the afghan, made from the Walmart yarn I could not resist. It is so soft and comforting!!  A bit of fall orange in it, too, is present.
Here is a lonely orange block, for the last day of the orange month, for So Scrappy.  I have three others all cut out.
 I put this border on the basket quilt.  It may change...maybe not.  I think when I put all the leaves on the vines, I will fall in love with the whole thing!
The moon tonight was just spectacular.  It had a huge orange ring around, which does not show at all in the picture.  Fall is coming!!

I am linking to So Scrappy...please go and see all the lovely and fun orange creations here!

Hugs to all!  You are very special and important in my life...thank  you for being part of it.



Binsa said...

Hello Julie enjoyed catching up with you through your post regards Lyn

Chantal said...

Love the pinwheel block. The leaves on the basket mini will fill it up beautifully I am sure. Isn't it amazing what the human can see that a camera can't catch. We are made so much better than machine. ;^) Enjoy the process of appliqueing the leaves.

Marly said...

I love your orange block with pinwheels. I'm sure a rainbow of these blocks will be beautiful.

gayle said...

I love those pinwheel blocks! Orange ones are even better!
Enjoy the applique!

Lori said...

Your basket quilt top is lovely. The moon photo is amazing!!

Janet O. said...

It IS Fall weather here. Just took a drive through the mountain canyon and the leaves were in glorious color.
That basket quilt is so sweet. The leaves will finish it off beautifully.
Great shot of the moon!

Mystery quilt and more

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