Sunday, September 24, 2017

Not a quilting post!

 This little darling was running in traffic, as we were on our way home from Costco.  We pulled over and called for her, and she came right to me!!  She is home with me now...
Apparently, she had gotten out of her yard and was wandering, and was so hot and panting when we found her.  Luckily, she has a collar, and mom has been called and her doggie mom is on the way to get her. 

She is a darling, and may weigh 5 pounds, if that.  Such a sweet little baby!!!  I am glad this is having a happy ending!



Kyle said...

Glad you were in the right place at the right time.

Sherrill said...

OMG!! That always panics me when I see a pup anywhere near a road..they should not be out! Glad you were concerned enough to stop and get her and that you found her mommy! She's so cute!

Anonymous said...

oh Julie so glad you found her,i would hate to think of what might've happened otherwise,she is a cutie for sure xx

LintLady said...

Hello Julie,
I bet someone were very very happy! Nice story, too.
Hugs,Doris :o)

Lilac Joan said...

My son saw a small cat in the middle of the busiest street. He stopped in the street, luckily the other cars saw what was happening an also stopped. He brought the dirtiest cat ever home. We tried to find the owner but apparently they had moved on. She is the best cat we have ever had. She is full of mischief and tries to get outside every time the door is opened. Glad you saved that doggie and could find her owner. Happy reunion.

Little Penpen said...

Whew! what a lucky doggie! I'm so glad things had a happy ending!

terry said...

I have a Yorkie (very similar to the one you found) and she is very adventurous and smart. She is capable of pushing on the screen door and taking off. She is also very friendly and will approach anyone in her path. She wears a tag with her name and our phone number. Thankfully, people like you have called and returned her to me. Her name is Pumpkin and I love her to death. Thanks for being a good Samaritan.


Lori said...

YAY! For you saving her from the traffic and reuniting her with her owners.

Tired Teacher said...

Bless you for taking the time to rescue that sweet pup.

Tina said...

Yes!! I love that you saw her and was able to save her from the traffic! I'm sure she was scared to death and her doggie Mom has to be so appreciative to be reunited with her. Blessings to you!!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

We've found loose dogs before, too. Thank goodness you found her owner. Sometimes it takes a few days.

Binsa said...

You have such a sweet heart Julie for taking care of her

KaHolly said...

Aren't you a sweetie! Bet that's one happy mom!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...