Friday, September 22, 2017

More about the birdies!

 This is just a wee mug rug I made lately, from strings.
I made one more orange bird, this one facing the other way.  Although I made up my own pattern, I have discovered a couple sources of patterns for birds, thanks to y'all. 

Lynn at the Patchery Menagery has made a few bird quilts...hers are elegant and just lovely in her studied fabric selections and artistry. The first link is to her pattern, and please take a look at her blog, too!

The next link is to a Craftgossip pattern, which is a free one...I like the little added triangle at the bottom of the bird's breast, so I will be adding that piece to my next birdies.  I would love to make some birdies each month, of different colors!!

Hugs to all, and hope you are having a wonderful day!



Binsa said...

Thank you for the links Julie

Loris said...

Oh how fun! Thank you Julie for the links and the inspiration. Patchery Menagery really is making some wonderful quilts with these birds. I can't wait to see more of your birds. They really brighten the day :-)

scraphappy said...

Your birdies are wonderful. Thanks for those links. Always nice to have a bit of instruction.

AnnieO said...

I saw on another blog (Sew Preeti) that the bird pattern came from Block Lotto. They are really cute.

AnnieO said...

They are in the April 2013 block lotto index

Randy D. said...

Oh those mug rugs are ADORABLE!!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...