Monday, September 18, 2017

More about scraps

 Here is where I am on the flying goose quilt.  I think these geese are lost...going every which-a-way!  I have about twice as many blocks cut out and ready to sew...and it will be a colorful, scrappy quilt for a patient, one day!
 I have been sorting my strings from the laundry basket into shoe boxes.  Here are my nursing you know what size these little shoe boxes are.  The boxes were on sale at Home Depot, so I bought a box full of them.
 And here are my strings, sorted by color, as best that I could, into the shoe boxes.  Rosie Posie the poodle helped a lot by wallowing and playing in the pile of strings that I was sorting, and gleefully getting a string or two in her mouth and running and prancing into the other room with them!!  I love that baby doggie!!  And I just love piecing with them and going through the boxes to pick out a piece.  Love, love, love!!

 This is just a picture of the quilt I put up, for autumn...I really am enjoying this quilt. It was a quilt along by Jeni from the is still up and free to print off on her face book site.
This beautiful quilt was given to a bypass patient this last week. What a  lovely person...never an ugly word or cross thought.  Just grateful and oh, so sick.  She was an educator, very well read and just a super smart lady.  Not only did she have that huge surgery, she had a stroke afterward.  All of the nurses are taking turns spoiling her, and being her nurse at the hospital.  What a blessing for her...and she loves her quilt!!

This quilt was given anonymously, to donate to a patient. Thank you so much... It went to just the
right lady...hurrah!!

Have a great day, each of you!!

Julie K


Tired Teacher said...

I tear up when I read about your patients and how much you love and care for them. Receiving the quilts hugs must make their day! God Bless you and others for making and gifting the quilts.

Vicki W said...

I made one of those flying geese quilts a few years ago. I love it and my cousin loves it now that it's hers.

Karen said...

Your autumn quilt...I think that is the one I have partially done and am supposed to be working on it. Looks nice.

Leeanne said...

Love looking at your strings. Isn't wonderful that quilts can bring so much comfort to all sorts of people. I still love Jeni's Life of Plenty quilt (I won the competition for the naming of the quilt all those years back!) But I have never got to make it.......too busy quilting! Keep up the great nursing work you do and the love and warmth you spread.

Little Penpen said...

I love your flying geese scraps and the Jeni quilt. You and your nursing team are awesome, caring people. Your patients are blessed to have you as their nurse!

ThreadCatcher said...

I like your "Lost Geese" project. Perfect for using up scraps.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I hope that patient recovers. I'm sure that lovely quilt is bringing comfort to her.

Kyle said...

What a beautiful quilt for your patient. Do you love working "uncover" and surprising patients with a quilt? All those strings.... Did you once upon a time just cut and cut strips of fabrics to create so many?

Janet O. said...

Your lost geese quilt is really fun. Lost Geese would be a fitting name for it. :)
Look at that organized rainbow of scraps! A wonderful sight.
Patients in your hospital are so lucky to receive your care!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...