Well...here is how it happened. I was in Walmart the other, picking up some household things...and wandered into the yarn and fabric department. I found this pretty, pretty yarn! It was not expensive...like you amazing sock knitters use (I secretly lust after your yarn!); it was just soft and very pretty to me. So? I bought four skeins, which is all they had of this particular colorway.
This is the start of my afghan. Just simple double crochet. The yarn is quite tiny, so is taking a long time to get from one end to the other. I am loving it! This is the most relaxed I have been in a long time...all I did today was walk, do laundry, and crochet. What a fun day!
I also found some fat quarters for 99 cents each.
And some fabrics, which will help along a few projects I have brewing in my head.
OK, let me tell you about the Walmart fabric counter experience:
I found my fabric, and went to the cutting counter, and there was no one there...so I rang the bell, and no one came. So I went and found an associate in electronics, and he said he would call someone...he did not. So, I went the found two other people, and they all said they would call someone...no one came. So? I and another lady who was waiting about 30 minutes, cut our own fabric, and used the label/printer/scanner and made our own labels. I use a similar system at my hospital, and whoever was supposed to work there was logged in to it. No one ever came, and a manager walked by and did not say anything to us.
I went to check out with the cashier and got home, and checked my receipt...and they did not charge me for the fabric! Growl!!!!!!!!!!!! So back I went to the store and told them...at last they got the $ and I took home my blue fabrics.
I feel like these poor associates are spread too thin. The department was clean and organized, but the other part was lacking. Any experiences with them? I very rarely buy anything there. They were probably running around like crazy!
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Mystery quilt and more
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oh you are super duper honest, Julie because if I'd been through all that AND had to serve myself AND they'd basically given me a freebie, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd not have trudged back in there to rectify THEIR mistake! Good on you!
I would have gone back. I hate it when my conscience is giving me grief.
Hi Julie love your wool and oh dear not a good experience at Walmart,we are hoping to visit one when we come over next month ,enjoy your day off xx
That is gorgeous yarn, Julie. I used to make afghans in a former life. That will be a pretty one, for sure.
You must have really wanted that fabric. I would have given up waiting much sooner. But, like you, I would have had to go back and pay. Not my favorite place to shop, but sometimes it is the only place that has what I need.
I refuse to shop at Walmart unless I absolutely have to. My husband went this morning to stock up on drinks he and my son like. He found some that I like (they rarely have them). When he got the receipt they had charged $20 for drinks that should be no more than $4. That is one reason - customer service is another - that I don't shop at Walmart.
I can't imagine going all the way back to the store after getting home to pay for what they didn't ring up. I'd be so upset but would go back as the employee suffers for their error. If I notice it before I get home I do go in and pay. I've done so on more than one occasion. Crazy that you had to cut and bill yourself and then go back so you could pay too!
Love love the yarn Julie.Good grief what an experience takes customer service to a new level?????
We can get this yarn in the UK now and I am very tempted because I've seen some nice shawl patterns on Raverly using them!
I had an identical experience a few weeks ago when I had to pick up an online order. I took the time to compete a survey they sent me later and explained my unsatisfactory experience in detail but got no response -- not even a thanks for taking the time to help them improve their service. Walmart used to have great customer service, but that's a thing of the past.
I recently bought both a Caron Cakes (Michael's) and Premier Sweet Roll (Joann's). They were very inexpensive with coupons. I'm making a few scarves for my Parish to distribute to the homeless. I feel like a kid getting excited about the color changes. The Caron Cakes now come in a super big size for afghans as well as a tiny size complete with pom pom for children's hats.
I applaud your honesty, but I would have been tempted to call the store and tell them they could come to my house to get their money. Then I would make them wait 30 minutes before handing it over!
Cindy in NC
Your experience (similar to mine) at Walmart is why I very seldom shop there.
I've had that problem at Walmart too - no one to cut, and even after asking, it is hard to get help. They need to precut the pieces, or else have a way to get help. The last time I went, there was a store manager's phone number at the counter. I guess you call them with your cell phone to get them to get you some help. It is a modern bell on the counter. I didn't try it to see if it would work though.
It also happens here in Wyoming. I get really disgusted and have been tempted to cut and measure my own fabric. Sometimes the person in charge of the department is only two aisles over, hears the bell and totally ignores it. In frustration, I've been known to ring the bell, ring the bell, ring the bell, ring the bell. Busy and understaffed is one thing, but blantantly ignoring customers is inexcusable.
I just went to Walmart last night in one of our College based stores. The kids they hire there are so nice, but they are spread a little thin. I have had to wait in the fabric department a few times. Each time the associate paging for assistance tells me she must be on break. Makes me wonder if the department is truly staffed or if my timing is amazingly coinciding with theirs... I doubt it. LOL But an associate gets there within 5 minutes and is always super friendly. A friend of ours is an assistant manager at a Walmart in another city, and she says they have troubles getting people to show up for work on the checkout line, so they pull people from the departments to cover. So I think staffing is a huge problem everywhere and not just Walmart. I did tell my husband last night how fortunate we are to have a few Walmart stores around us that have associates that take pride in customer service.
I have alot of problems at walmart too--yesterday I was in the fabric area and needed a piece cut and the lady who was doing the cutting walked right pass me when I had the bolt of fabric in my arm--duhhh--I finally had to go hunt her up in electronics and had to wait a bit--maybe 10 minutes before she did come back over and cut it for me--when I checked out --I knew ahead of time that I had about $45 worth of stuff==one being an 'i-tune' card for my son's birthday of $25--my total only came to $20.--so I knew something was wrong--the clerk did not scan the i-tune card--so I dug it out of the bag and made her scan it--yes I am like you --I always go back or whatever to make sure I pay for things, even if I get home and discover it then--
but on the back side--on our trip this month--I bought a travel mug for $5 and was charged twice for it--so I over paid--but was unable to go back at that point--
I try real hard now to check my receipts from them before I leave the store--but--I still forget--that is why I also try to add things up before I get to the check outs--
enjoy the moments, di
Oh almost forgot... Love the yarn!! I spin my own but knit with the natural colors of my son's Shetland fleece. Dyeing isn't my thing--yet! ;) I will have to check out Walmart's selection. The bullseye style of yarn is so lovely and would make some cool looking socks! Look forward to seeing your afghan grow.
Worked for them many years ago. Manager told us that we "work the entire store" and we were expected to so so. And to have instant knowledge of all info of every product in the store as well. Nearly every time I need fabric cut there, several associates will walk right by me and do nothing. 'Happens almost every time. I'd rather purchase fabric at Joann's instead anyway, lol.
Some Walmarts have people at the fabric counter, and other's don't have a clue, and don't have anyone near the cutting counter. I've been tempted to cut my own fabric several times, but, I don't know how to use the scanner thingy.
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