Thursday, January 7, 2016

Turning Twenty blocks, and more goodies!!

 I have been slow about my Turning Twenty blocks, but am finishing up this very pretty quilt!!  Here is block number twelve...
Thank you, Tricia!!  Please see the Turning Twenty contact information below.

See the Turning Twenty blog here!!!

See the Turning Twenty website here!!!!

See Tricia's face book page here!!!

This is part of the Seeing Stars Mystery Quiltalong!!

 This is a tiny quilt I made yesterday, and I did some hand quilting on it tonight.  Just a scrappy, but you know I love those little pieces!!
 I received this as a gift, this Christmas.  It was made by my sister-in-law, and every stitch is perfect.  And the back looks as good as the front!! is so very nice!
And this fun, fun, fun postcard in the mail!!  Thank you dear Nina...I will cherish this forever...I am so delighted that this fabric creation made it through the mail just fine!!

Have a super day, everyone!!!



Samplings from Spring Creek said...

The post card is the bomb! Scrappy quilts are the best

Lori said...

The post card is the sweetest! I have one on my sewing room bulletin board that I rec'd and treasure.
What a fun Turning twenty block!! Your SIL is a quilter too? Thats cool!!

Kyle said...

I like the red and white stripe in your latest block. It makes it playful. I'm always amazed when the fabric postcards make it through the mail. Super cute!

Janet O. said...

Very fun Turning Twenty block! It has personality. : )
Love that little quilt you are stitching on.
Is the tree on plastic canvas? I recall many years ago a friend doing a whole 3D Christmas village that way. Had forgotten about that craft.
Such a cute postcard!

Tired Teacher said...

The postcard is delightful. I always wanted to try making some but never did.

Loris said...

Fun projects! Love the postcard and your little quilt you made yesterday.
Hope your year is off to a happy start :-)
I'm having a good time sewing while it is raining outside...not today, but we have had some 'real' rain lately. Wahoo!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute projects you received. I still haven't started the Turning 20 BOM. I did print off every block (and finishing instructions).

Barb said...

You got some really awesome mail...

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
your turning twenty block looks fantastic, wonderful project.
Love the colors on your little mini quilt and you are such a lucky person to have family that sews too.

Karen said...

I am wondering why the blocks are called Turning Twenty.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...