Friday, January 15, 2016

Trying to finish some things up!!

 At last, I have a quilt top all together!  (mostly)  I made this with my niece, who made one just alike, and we shared fabrics.  It is all batiks, except for the borders.  I have no batik fabrics that were big enough to cut borders, so I just used what I could find in the stash.
 I have no idea where this fabric for the border came from, but it seemed to want to be in this quilt.
 What do you do if you want a bigger quilt, but don't want to make any more blocks?  I am going to put a strip of applique in that white strip! I am excited about that part...I just can't stick to a pattern, can I??  By the way, this quilt pattern is by Bonnie Hunter...thanks, Bonnie!
I tried to make the little three inch blocks from that fabulous quilt, 365 Sampler...and I just can't.  I know I won't keep up with it, so if you are interested in these blocks, let me know, and I will send them to you!!  If there are more than one person interested, I will have a drawing.

Have a great day, everyone!



Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on the finish. Looking forward to seeing what you applique in the white area.

Smiley Quilter said...

Is that Texas tumbleweeds pattern? I have that on my wish list after I finish a few things. I love your plain border waiting for applique as a way to make it longer.

Tired Teacher said...

The fabric made that a cheerful quilt, and appliqué at the top will add even more happiness. Well done!

Vic in NH said...

What a great choice for the outer border, nice and jazzy!

Sarah said...

BEAUTIFUL quilt! The border is fantastic, and I love the black in the quilt -- it makes the colors pop. I would LOVE to have your little blue blocks. I'd make something for our bedroom/my sewing room, which is blue, and which I'm currently making a blue and white sampler quilt for (12" blocks -- not as ambitious as you!). Probably a little hand quilted wall quilt or pillow.

Janet O. said...

Your fabric choices made this quilt dazzling!. And the border does look like it was meant for the quilt. I'm sure the applique will look very pretty in the added space. Clever!
Sorry the little 3" blocks are out of your comfort zone, but even I didn't think I could keep up with that challenge, and I love making 3" blocks. : ) Sounds like Sarah will give them a good home.

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

The top is lovely. Can't wait to see the applique.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Fantastic x

scraphappy said...

Interesting to see the quilty 365 blocks. I had pondered and discarded the idea too. Love the finished quilt though! The border is just perfect. Have fun with the applique part, looks like a wide open space of possibilities.

Lesley said...

Love your quilt! And what a great idea to add a strip at the top to add applique! Perfect way to lengthen a quilt with beauty!

Kyle said...

Your quilt is a beautiful finish. I love the idea of the applique at the top. Sometimes a quilt just lets you know when enough is enough. What a great find in your stash for the border. The colors go perfectly.

Chantal said...

Your border is perfect for this quilt. The purple/pink in the border is picked up by the pink in the quilt and all have fun together. It is awesome. To add a white space for appliqués is such a great idea. (Have to remember this one.) Can't wait to see it finished. I know you will have a lot of fun on that little space. Enjoy! ;^)

Lori said...

How fun for you and your niece to have matching quilts! That border fabric is perfect for it!! Have a wonderful weekend.

AnnieO said...

Great quilt--and making it your own would warm Bonnie's heaet, I'm sure! Ugh, 3 " blocks give me the willies!

Linda O said...

Congrats on another lovely quilt! Super fun that you made it with your niece too. The border fabric is wonderful! Looking forward to seeing what you applique in the added strip.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...