Sunday, January 17, 2016

A forgotten quilt :(

 I finished the hand quilting and binding on this little quilt.  Perfect for a candle mat!
 I made the back like this, so I could have a rod hanger, if I wanted to, and plus I can write the label information on those little triangles.
 I found this quilt, forgotten in my closet...poor pink quilt!! It is humongous!  So it went on the bed, and I found the date...1990.  Time to use it up, don't you think??? It was carefully folded and had tissue in the layers...who knows what I was thinking back then!  It is certainly not an heirloom.
 All matchy-matchy and made of the pink of the time.  Huge pieces, too. I like it because it is HUGE!!  King sized!!
Speaking of cleaning out closets, I found this shirt, painted for me by one of my fellow nurse, Camille Wood.  It is dated 1992.  She used fabric paints, which really has held up well for so many years.  I loved it so much, I carefully put it away, and it really looks new!!  This one is a keeper...and so is Camille, one of my best nursing friends.  I just found her again on Facebook!

Have a great day, everyone!!!



Chantal said...

You have closet full of fun surprises. So cool. I did lots of shirt decoration with that kind of paint, way back when lol. Oh my, it brings back many memories.
The pink quilt might not be a heirloom but it is very well made nevertherless. Everything was so matchy-matchy back then. The little candle mat is so cute. Great job!! Love it. ;^)

Jeanne said...

Always fun to discover those forgotten treasures! Love the candle mat and the pink quilt!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Wonderful treasures in teh closet. Love the t-shirt, what wonderful work.

Jennie in GA said...

Love your little lozenge quilt...great colors. Isn't it fun to find "old friends" and treasures. By the way, I am a retired ER and Corrections nurse.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Add blue in the backing for the forgotten pink quilt and you will have a Pantone colors of this year quilt! Using just a few lozenges fir a mini is a super idea ... One I want to copy :-)

Kyle said...

Styles and tends come and go. Our quilts just reflect our journey. It's amazing what we can find in closets!

Lori said...

You must have deep closets! Glad you made some fun finds!!

Ellen said...

Isn't it wonderful to find lost treasures!

Quilter Kathy said...

Hope I find treasures like that some day in my closet!
Love that candlemat!

Janet O. said...

Your little finish is very sweet, Julie.
That is a big pink quilt! Makes me recall when you were collecting pink fabrics for breast cancer awareness quilts. But I know this quilt predates that by quite a bit!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...