Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mystery quilting!

 I am making progress on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt.  I have all the stars done, and I am almost done with the setting blocks.
 A closer look...This is the most yellow/gold I have ever used in a quilt!  sunshine!!
 What if they were straight set?  Hmmmm....
And more progress on the Turning Twenty mystery quilt blocks!

Have a great day, everyone!!



BillieBee (billiemick) said...

It's coming along great!

Janet O. said...

All of that yellow/gold radiates happy thoughts to all who see it!

Tired Teacher said...

Excellent progress!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Your go girl--you are making progress--great color combinations

Chantal said...

It is nice to see sunshine after a weekend of rain, rain, rain! You've made great progress. You'll have a beautiful top done before too long. ;^)

Diane said...

It does look like sunshine! It's wonderful.

Kyle said...

Wow! You're making great progress. Won't be long now.

Linda O said...

So pretty, Julie! The golds just glow and look great.

Rebecca in AK said...

You really are making progress! You will have this completed in no time at this rate. I had to set mine aside for the time being, other more pressing projects to finish.

Lori said...

It's looking wonderful! I've only seen one quilt I didn't care for the fabrics. All the others have been pretty amazing, including yours!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Wonderful work Julie, looks great.

Sandra Kaye said...

Looks great!!! I got all my blocks done. Just now starting my side pieces. Then I can put it all together. Boy this thing is going to be huge!!! LOL!!! but glad I did it!! Hugs

Binsa said...

Loved seeing your progress Julie regards lyn

Nancy said...

Looking good. I think this is one of my favorite mysteries.

Michelle said...

I haven't used that much yellow before either! Yours is looking great!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...