Friday, January 22, 2016

Progress on one mystery, and beginning something new!!

 Rosie the poodle is helping me put together Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt!!  She says we really need to get it all in one piece, so that was her focus today.
 Sewing, and sewing, and sewing those long seams!!
 Here is where I am so far.  I need to make more side triangles, then I can put the rest of the rows together.
Buttermilk Basin is having another free BOM for this year...this is for the wool lovers!!  Since I am not a purist, I have some wool felt and some wool...whatever I have in my wool box.  I find that I really enjoyed the hand blanket stitching of this block, as I listened to the TV in the evenings.

Hope each of you is having a great day, and a wonderful weekend tomorrow.  I am worried about the big storm on the east coast of the kids are directly in the path of this monster...sure hope the power stays on!!



Loris said...

Great work on your Alletaire! It looks lovely!
I love the new Buttermilk Basin designs. It's going to be a fun BOM.

Tired Teacher said...

Fantastic progress on the mystery quilt. It's beautiful.

Leeanne said...

great progress. Nice to see your supervisor.

Janet O. said...

It is looking lovely. Good thing you have such a dedicated supervisor to keep you on task! : )
Oh, I am really trying to resist starting the Buttermilk Basin SAL. It is awfully cute.
Been thinking of you today, and you have been in my prayers.

Julierose said...

Love the colors of your BH Mystery--beautiful!! And your BB snowman is so cute--I sent for a kit as I haven't ever done much wool work and don't have a stash (oh we'll have to do something about that!) of woolens...can't wait to get to it...perfect Winter work--hugs, Julierose

Patty Hall said...

the quilt is beautiful! I think I just saw that in a post on Bonnie's facebook page!

Lesley said...

Wow! Your mystery quilt is looking gorgeous! Sweey snowman block too! Hope the weather settles quickly!

LuAnn said...

I'm with you. I really want to get my Allietare in one piece. I just finished all of the blocks yesterday so that might happen this weekend. Yours is looking great!

judith lockhart said...

Your Allietare is so pretty! My goal today is to get all my blocks sewn together today - who knows when the borders will get done??!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
your mystery quilt is turning out to beautiful.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Good progress on your mystery quilt . . . happy stitching!

Karen said...

Looking good on your mystery quilt. Yours has a calmer look than some I have seen and I like that.

Needled Mom said...

Allietare is gorgeous.

Linda O said...

You and Rosie made great progress! You're close to having it all together! Cute, cute little snowman too!

Raewyn said...

I love your mystery quilt - great progress - sometimes those long seams seem to take forever don't they?!

Kyle said...

Your mystery is beautiful. I like how the greys are a soft background to the other blocks. I agree those long seams seem to get longer as you begin to sew. BB wool blocks are going to be cute. I like what you did with yours.

Gayle said...

I sure do like the colors in your Mystery Quilt! I've been seeing lots of these Christmas blocks being stitched - looks like a fun project!

Binsa said...

Hi Julie, love your mystery quilt pray for your loved ones hugs lyn

Lori said...

I LOVE your mystery quilt! What a stunner!! I thought about doing the wool sewalong, but after seeing what seems like 100's of L's with snowman I've changed my mind. Sure is cute though.

audrey said...

Your Mystery quilt is looking fabulous! Great colors.:)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...