Sunday, January 3, 2016

Quilt fever!!!

I am making progress on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville mystery.  The big reveal was lovely, and I have all the pieces and parts all ready to go for the sewing machine.  These are the blocks I have completed so far.  The genius behind Bonnie's quilts is that they all fit together...if you press as she suggests, and have a careful 1/4 inch seam allowance, the quilt all goes together like magic.  Hurrah!!!

Have a super great day, each of you!!



Tired Teacher said...

The photos I've seen of the finished tops are beautiful. Your top will be finished in short order, too.

Janet O. said...

This is a really pretty quilt. Makes me wish I could have sewn along. : )

Jo said...

How lovely. I bought some fabric today for me to hopefully get started soon. I hope I can get a finish so I will be following you

Michelle said...

Beautiful Julie! I agree...her quilts always go together like a breeze!

Kyle said...

You'll be done in no time. It's turning out lovely

Quilter Kathy said...

Looking good.... it's a fun quilt to work on!

Needled Mom said...

It is really going to be beautiful.

Loris said...

Love the quilt she designed this year. Good for you for all the pieces you've sewn!
Happy New Year!

AnnieO said...

I loved her colors and the final layout for this one too! What a great designer she is. It is so nice when someone else does all that MATH.

Linda O said...

Looks great, Julie!! All those parts and pieces will be together in no time! Happy New Year!

Leeanne said...

Looking fabulous. I like Bonnie's colourways so far.......your's looks the same as Bonnies.

Rebecca in AK said...

I loved her finished quilt. You have really kept up with clues! I am so glad she adds pressing guidelines. You will have a beautiful quilt when it is all put together!

KaHolly said...

It will be beautiful all finished!

Lori said...

I found that to be very true of Bonnie's patterns and techniques. This is the quilt I got a sneak peek of and I loved it!

Chantal said...

I didn't participate but I did save all the PDFs for later. One day, I too will make a Bonnie Hunter quilt. ;^)

Barb said...

Love the colors!

Karen said...

Love the cheddar!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...