Sunday, January 31, 2016

Forever projects

 Do you have some projects that are really long term quilts?  I have been working on a tiny basket quilt for a long time.  This quilt is all cut out, and my goal is make one basket each night.  These are four inch baskets, and the handles are not appliqued down, yet.
These two inch bowties are another long term project.  If I make five bowties every night, along with one basket, in one year?  Two finished long term projects!!!  Fifteen minutes of piecing every night is my goal for this year.
 I have always wanted to make a Red Cross quilt!!  I have been savoring and hoarding these nine patches, from an exchange years ago.  My red crosses will be the corner stones.  Clara Barton founded the Red Cross, so this quilt will be the Clara Barton quilt!
And a little something made out of leftover mystery quilt pieces and parts...I usually make one of these from leftover pieces!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!!


Monday, January 25, 2016

Allietare Mystery quilt done!!

 Rosie and I finished the Allietare Mystery quilt, by Bonnie Hunter!!  I am delighted that it is one piece, and that I used nothing but stash fabrics, except for some purchased golds, that are all in here.
 It is a big quilt!!!
Can't wait to get it quilted!!!!

Are you making this one, and are you all finished yet???

Have a great day, everyone!!


Friday, January 22, 2016

Progress on one mystery, and beginning something new!!

 Rosie the poodle is helping me put together Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt!!  She says we really need to get it all in one piece, so that was her focus today.
 Sewing, and sewing, and sewing those long seams!!
 Here is where I am so far.  I need to make more side triangles, then I can put the rest of the rows together.
Buttermilk Basin is having another free BOM for this year...this is for the wool lovers!!  Since I am not a purist, I have some wool felt and some wool...whatever I have in my wool box.  I find that I really enjoyed the hand blanket stitching of this block, as I listened to the TV in the evenings.

Hope each of you is having a great day, and a wonderful weekend tomorrow.  I am worried about the big storm on the east coast of the kids are directly in the path of this monster...sure hope the power stays on!!


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Nine patch swap blocks are together!!

 I participated in a nine patch swap with Barb, who blogs HERE.  ( By the way, she has a lot of really cool nine patch quilts on her blog right now!!) At long last, I have my blocks all together!!  It is a windy day, but I tried to get a shot outside anyway.  The quilt is four x six rows, so the top is cut off.
 The corner stones are leftovers from another project, so I used them here.  Now on to the borders!  I have no clue about what to so for a border...hmmmmm....
 Valentine's day is very close!  I made a little heart quilt for a friend.  I do love those hearts!!
Another view....before the whole thing blew away onto the lawn!

It seems like the best laid quilt plans that I make really never come to fruition.  I just pick up whatever I want to work on, at the moment, and that is what I do.  It makes it fun, and less like a regimented job, you know??  It is what I do for fun, so I think that is important!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Sunday, January 17, 2016

A forgotten quilt :(

 I finished the hand quilting and binding on this little quilt.  Perfect for a candle mat!
 I made the back like this, so I could have a rod hanger, if I wanted to, and plus I can write the label information on those little triangles.
 I found this quilt, forgotten in my closet...poor pink quilt!! It is humongous!  So it went on the bed, and I found the date...1990.  Time to use it up, don't you think??? It was carefully folded and had tissue in the layers...who knows what I was thinking back then!  It is certainly not an heirloom.
 All matchy-matchy and made of the pink of the time.  Huge pieces, too. I like it because it is HUGE!!  King sized!!
Speaking of cleaning out closets, I found this shirt, painted for me by one of my fellow nurse, Camille Wood.  It is dated 1992.  She used fabric paints, which really has held up well for so many years.  I loved it so much, I carefully put it away, and it really looks new!!  This one is a keeper...and so is Camille, one of my best nursing friends.  I just found her again on Facebook!

Have a great day, everyone!!!


Friday, January 15, 2016

Trying to finish some things up!!

 At last, I have a quilt top all together!  (mostly)  I made this with my niece, who made one just alike, and we shared fabrics.  It is all batiks, except for the borders.  I have no batik fabrics that were big enough to cut borders, so I just used what I could find in the stash.
 I have no idea where this fabric for the border came from, but it seemed to want to be in this quilt.
 What do you do if you want a bigger quilt, but don't want to make any more blocks?  I am going to put a strip of applique in that white strip! I am excited about that part...I just can't stick to a pattern, can I??  By the way, this quilt pattern is by Bonnie Hunter...thanks, Bonnie!
I tried to make the little three inch blocks from that fabulous quilt, 365 Sampler...and I just can't.  I know I won't keep up with it, so if you are interested in these blocks, let me know, and I will send them to you!!  If there are more than one person interested, I will have a drawing.

Have a great day, everyone!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Turning Twenty!!!

Working on my Turning Twenty quilt!!!  Loving all this scrappy beauty...thank  you, Tricia!!

Turning Twenty blog here!!!

See the Turning Twenty website here!!!!

See Tricia's face book page here!!!

This is part of the Seeing Stars Mystery Quiltalong!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mystery quilting!

 I am making progress on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt.  I have all the stars done, and I am almost done with the setting blocks.
 A closer look...This is the most yellow/gold I have ever used in a quilt!  sunshine!!
 What if they were straight set?  Hmmmm....
And more progress on the Turning Twenty mystery quilt blocks!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Turning Twenty blocks, and more goodies!!

 I have been slow about my Turning Twenty blocks, but am finishing up this very pretty quilt!!  Here is block number twelve...
Thank you, Tricia!!  Please see the Turning Twenty contact information below.

See the Turning Twenty blog here!!!

See the Turning Twenty website here!!!!

See Tricia's face book page here!!!

This is part of the Seeing Stars Mystery Quiltalong!!

 This is a tiny quilt I made yesterday, and I did some hand quilting on it tonight.  Just a scrappy, but you know I love those little pieces!!
 I received this as a gift, this Christmas.  It was made by my sister-in-law, and every stitch is perfect.  And the back looks as good as the front!! is so very nice!
And this fun, fun, fun postcard in the mail!!  Thank you dear Nina...I will cherish this forever...I am so delighted that this fabric creation made it through the mail just fine!!

Have a super day, everyone!!!


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Quilt fever!!!

I am making progress on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville mystery.  The big reveal was lovely, and I have all the pieces and parts all ready to go for the sewing machine.  These are the blocks I have completed so far.  The genius behind Bonnie's quilts is that they all fit together...if you press as she suggests, and have a careful 1/4 inch seam allowance, the quilt all goes together like magic.  Hurrah!!!

Have a super great day, each of you!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...