Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mysterious...part 2

Hi all!

Thank you all so very much for your input, help , and honest opinions about the log cabin quilt in my previous post. I really appreciate all of you so much!! So round two is coming up!

Part 2 is done of Bonnie's mystery quilt! plus a few extra pieces for good measure. I have lots of strips left too. Hope we need 1.5 inch strips again...I pinned them in tens like Bonnie and Keryn suggested, that makes it easier to count them later. They are little fellas, these nine patches, aren't they??

I also bagged up 17 bags of leaves today!! and they are still falling fast. I know I will be sore tomarrow. Off to clean house, quick dinner, then relax for a while. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



Paula, the quilter said...

Leaves? We have 6 inches of snow right now. It has been falling lightly since yesterday and has covered all the leaves.

Dorothy said...

Oooh, I love the contrast in your blocks. It's so fun wandering blogs and seeing a) how many people are nutz enough to start a big quilt 2 weeks before Christmas, and b) how different all those quilts are looking already.

Where are you that you're bagging leaves? We've had snow since Thanksgiving, and no leaves for a few weeks before that.

mereth said...

Your colours for the mystery quilt look great, it's going to be such fun seeing how thay all turn out. I feel for you pulling the borders off the log cabin, but if you're not happy now there's no sense going on with it. You'll find the perfect fabric and at least all the blocks are together now.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I can't wait to see these quilts come together! I love your colors!

Jenni said...

It looks like you are using Japanese prints for the mystery quilt - is that right? I bet it will be great. I have a serious problem with Japanese fabric! I have made one big quilt top with it, but I have HEAPS still left.

Sheri said...

I'm anxious to see how the quilt turns out too. Love the colors.

Khris said...

The blocks look great. This mystery quilt has been fun. I am yet to finish my nine patch blocks but getting there. Hugs, Khris in Oz

Meike The Dutchlady said...

You are a busy lady! I love your nine patches. I've been thinking of joining Bonnie's mystery quilt but I will wait a bit I just have too many different projects going on at the moment.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...